Enable Dynamic Translation of Inside Source Addresses

Enable the NAT dynamic translation of the inside source address for Client1:

System(rw-config)->ip nat inside source list clientIPv4_acl pool natIPv4_pool interface vlan.0.10

Enable the NAT dynamic translation of the inside source address for clients Client2 and Client3:

System(rw-config)->ipv6 nat inside source list clientIPv6_acl pool natIPv6_pool1 interface vlan.0.10
System(rw-config)->ipv6 nat inside source list clientIPv6_acl pool natIPv6_pool2 interface vlan.0.20 fullcone cone_acl

Enable the NAPT dynamic translation of the inside source address for Client4:

System(rw-config)->ip nat inside source list clientIPv4_acl pool naptIPv4_pool overload