Tracked Object Manager Terms and Definitions lists terms and definitions used in this Tracked Object Manager configuration discussion.
Tracked Object Manager Terms and Definitions
Term | Definition |
Tracked Object Manager | The Tracked Object Manager provides the ability to track local and remote objects by means of tracked objects and probes. |
state probe | A probe of protocol type ICMP, UDP, or TCP that tracks the availability of a remote service, by actively transmitting network packets to a specified remote host. |
timing probe | A probe of protocol type ICMP that gathers packet timing measurements for protocol packets. Timing probes do not provide state events. Instead, each request for a probe session provides the client application with the packet transmit and receive times. |
tracked object | Tracked objects monitor the state of different types of local entities. |
client application | An application that uses the objects provided by Tracked Object Manager |
probe session | An entity consisting of an IP/port tuple created by a client application using a particular probe. |
State Probe Terms | |
server port verification | A state probe fail detection method used by server load balancing and TWCB to assure that the remote server is up. |
application content verification (ACV) | A state probe fail detection method for the verification of application content on a server. |
ICMP ping | A fail detection method that sends a ping packet to the IP address of the remote service. |
default ICMP probe | A preset probe configured for each of the supported local applications. |
DNS query type | A domain or host name or IPv6 address that is sent with the state probe. |
DNS verify type | A domain name or IP address that is used to verify the DNS query response. |
close string | A string used by ACV to close a session. |
reply string | A string used by the Tracked Object Manager to validate the server response to the ACV request string. |
request string | A string used by ACV that the local application sends to the remote server to initiate verification of an application. |
search depth | A numeric value that specifies the number of characters to search within an ACV response for the ACV reply string. |
faildetect count | The number of consecutive failed probe attempts before Tracked Object Manager declares a remote service down. |
faildetect interval | The delay, in seconds, between probes to a remote service that is currently declared up. |
probe one and two | Up to two probes, that can be a default probe or administratively created probe, labeled one and two, applied to a server context. |
fail detection type | Specifies whether or not fail detection is active in the current server context. |
L5-type | Specifies a ACV or DNS Layer 5 protocol to use with this state probe. |
open interval | The time, in seconds, the Tracked Object Manager waits for the TCP 3-way handshake to complete. |
passdetect count | The number of consecutive successful probe attempts to a service currently declared down before the Tracked Object Manager declares the service up. |
passdetect interval | The delay, in seconds, between probes to a remote service that is currently declared down. |
receive interval | The time, in seconds, the Tracked Object Manager waits for a response from the remote service before declaring a failed probe. |
Timing Probe Terms | |
DNS query type | A domain or host name or IPv6 address that is sent with the timing probe. |
L5-type | Specifies a ACV or DNS Layer 5 protocol to use with this timing probe. |
transmit interval | The transmit rate of ICMP echo requests. The transmit rate interval must be larger than the length of time specified to wait for an ICMP echo reply (the receive wait time). |
receive wait time | The length of time to wait for an ICMP echo reply. The receive wait time must be smaller than the transmit rate interval. |
Tracked Object Terms | |
threshold counts | The port-group threshold counts which control the “up” and “down” state of the port group tracked object. Specifies the number of ports that must be in an up state for the port-group object to be considered up, and the number of ports that must be in a down state for the port-group object to be considered down. |
delay | The amount of time for the Tracked Object Manager to wait prior to informing client applications of a state change, either “up” or “down”. |