Use the commands in Commands for Monitoring MSTP to monitor MSTP statistics and configurations. You can also use the show commands described in Reviewing and Enabling Spanning Tree to review information related to all Spanning Tree protocol activity.
Commands for Monitoring MSTP
Task | Command |
Verify that MSTP is running on the device. | show spantree version |
Display the maximum configurable MSTIs allowed on the device. | show spantree maxconfigurablestps |
Display a list of MSTIs configured on the device. | show spantree mstilist |
Display the mapping of one or more filtering database IDs (FIDs) to Spanning Trees. Since VLANs are mapped to FIDs, this shows to which SID a VLAN is mapped. | show spantree mstmap [fid fid] |
Display the Spanning Tree ID(s) assigned to one or more VLANs. | show spantree vlanlist [vlan-list] |
Display MST configuration identifier elements, including format selector, configuration name, revision level, and configuration digest. | show spantree mstcfgid |
Display protocol-specific MSTP counter information. | show spantree debug [port port-string] [sid sid] [active] |