BGP Neighbor Configuration describes the configuring of BGP neighbor parameters.
BGP Neighbor Configuration
Task | Command |
In BGP configuration mode, configure the remote AS for the peer. | neighbor ip-address remote-as as-num |
In BGP configuration mode, optionally configure EBGP peer routes to not contain this neighbor‘s AS. | neighbor ip-address ignore-leading-as |
In BGP configuration mode, optionally remove private autonomous system (AS) numbers from outbound updates to an external peer. | neighbor {ip-address | groupID} remove-private-as |
In BGP configuration mode, optionally modify the minimum interval between the sending of EBGP routing updates. | neighbor ip-address advertisement-interval interval |
In BGP configuration mode, optionally configure the conditional advertisement of routes for this neighbor. | neighbor {ip-address | groupID} advertise-map adv-map non-exist-map non-exit-map |
In BGP configuration mode, optionally enable the inclusion of confederation information in the AS paths sent to this router‘s peers. | neighbor {ip-address | groupID} aggregate-confed |
In BGP configuration mode, optionally modify the interval between successive update messages for route prefixes that originate in the local AS. | neighbor ip-address as-origination-interval interval |
In BGP configuration mode, optionally enable checking to see if the next hop is the peer‘s address and do not send routes if it is. | neighbor ip-address check-next-hop |
In BGP configuration mode, optionally clear all BGP counters for this peer. | neighbor ip-address clear-counters |
In BGP configuration mode, optionally configure the specified neighbor as a member of the router's confederation. | neighbor ip-address confed-member |
In BGP configuration mode, optionally modify the amount of time between attempts to reestablish a connection to configured peers that are no longer available. | neighbor ip-address connect-retry-interval interval |
In BGP configuration mode, optionally force the advertisement of the default route regardless of whether the default route is present in the local routing table. | neighbor ip-address default-originate [route-map name] |
In BGP configuration mode, explicitly enable a peer that has been administratively disabled. A configured peer is enabled by default. | neighbor ip-address enable |
In BGP configuration mode, optionally modify the interval between returning to the idle state and reinitiating a TCP connection for this neighbor. | neighbor ip-address idle-hold-interval interval |
In BGP configuration mode, optionally configure EBGP peer routes to not contain this neighbor‘s AS. | neighbor ip-address ignore-leading-as |
In BGP configuration mode, optionally modify the maximum number of Outbound Route Filtering (ORF) entries that will be accepted from this neighbor. | neighbor ip-address maximum-orf num |
In BGP configuration mode, optionally modify the peak number of prefixes that BGP will accept for installation into the Routing Information Base (RIB). | neighbor ip-address maximum-prefix num [warning-only] |
In BGP configuration mode, optionally configure BGP to always set the BGP next hop to the EBGP peer's address, overriding third-party next hops. | neighbor {ip-address | groupID} next-hop-peer |
In BGP configuration mode, optionally set this neighbor‘s next hop as the router's own address on advertisement. | neighbor {ip-address | groupID} next-hop-self |
In BGP configuration mode, optionally modify the interval between the establishment of a TCP connection and the sending of an OPEN message to open a BGP session. | neighbor ip-address open-delay seconds |
In BGP configuration mode, optionally prevent the router from ever trying to open a BGP connection with the specified peer. | neighbor ip-address passive |
In BGP configuration mode, optionally create a BGP peer group and add a peer group neighbor. | neighbor groupID peer-group neighbor ip-address peer-group pgname |
In BGP configuration mode, optionally configure the peer type of the specified peer or group. | neighbor {ip-prefix/length | groupID} peer-type {ibgp | ebgp | ebgp-confed} |
In BGP configuration mode, optionally configure whether updates for prefixes containing the NOPEER community will be accepted by or sent to this neighbor. | neighbor {ip-address | groupID} peering-type {bilateral | unspecified} |
In BGP configuration mode, optionally specify a BGP route-map to be used for controlling the import or export of routes to and from the specified peer or group. | neighbor {ip-address | groupID} route-map rm-name {in | out} |
In BGP configuration mode, optionally specify that the router will act as a route reflector for this neighbor. | neighbor ip-address route-reflector-client |
In BGP configuration mode, optionally modify the interval between the advertisement and subsequent withdrawal of a route. | neighbor ip-address route-withdraw-interval interval |
In BGP configuration mode, optionally enable soft-reconfiguration for a peer or peer group. | neighbor {ip-address | groupID} soft-reconfiguration |
In BGP configuration mode, optionally modify holdtime and keepalive time values within a BGP peer. | neighbor ip-address timers keepalive-value holdtime-value |
In BGP configuration mode, optionally modify the time to live (TTL) value. | neighbor ip-address ttl ttl-num |
In BGP configuration mode, optionally specify the source IP address to be used in all TCP and BGP messages sent to the peer. | neighbor ip-address update-source source-addr |