The service CFM monitors gets assigned to the MA. CFM supports the monitoring of a single VLAN service. If you wish to protect multiple VLANs in your system, create an MA for each VLAN to be protected. When CFM monitors a VLAN service, the monitored VLAN must be specified in the MA component configuration mode using the vid command. The default VLAN value for an MA is 0 (no VLAN).
This example sets VLAN 1000 as the configured VLAN for the myMA1 component configuration:
System(rw-config)->cfm md string-name myMD1 System(su-config-cfm-md.1)->ma string-name myMA1 System(su-config-cfm-ma.1)->ma-comp System(su-config-cfm-macomp)->vid 1000 System(su-config-cfm-macomp)->