Dynamically Extracting the Username from the X.509 Subject Field

Each user can have its own set of authorization credentials based upon a specified distinguished name attribute extracted from the X.509 certificate subject field. The distinguished name attribute can be specified as a long name, short name, or an OID. X.509 Subject Field Distinguished Name Attributes lists a few examples of the supported distinguished name attributes.

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X.509 Subject Field Distinguished Name Attributes

Attribute Long Name Short Name OID
Country Name countryName C
Organization Name organizationName O
Organizational Unit Name organizationalUnitName OU
Common Name commonName CN

The username can be prefixed with a fixed string. For example, if the distinguished name attribute is Extremenetworks and the specified prefix is foo, the extracted username will be fooExtremenetworks.

In some instances it may be desirable to use only a subset of the extracted attribute, rather than the entire attribute verbatim. The match option allows for the dynamic application of a regular expression to the extracted attribute. The matching character output is used as the username. The S- and K-Series support the Extended Regular Expression (ERE) regular expression format.

The username can be suffixed with a fixed string. For example, if the distinguished name attribute is US, and the specified suffix is bar, the extracted username will be USbar.

Use the set pki authorization username attribute command to configure a dynamic extracted username from the X.509 certificate subject field.

In the following example, the final ten digits of the CN portion of the certificate subject field along with the @army.mil portion of the RADIUS account user name will be used create a new RADIUS account user name.

The X.509 certificate subject field contains:

Subject: C=US, O=U.S. Government, OU=DoD, OU=PKI, OU=DISA, CN=doe.jane.d.3100020770

The resulting RADIUS account user name:


To form the RADIUS account user name using the X.509 certificate CN portion of the subject field, enter the following command where: