The following procedure describes tunneling configuration.
Tunneling Configuration
Step | Task | Command(s) |
1 | In global configuration mode, create the tunnel interface and enter tunnel interface configuration mode. | interface tunnel tunnel-id |
2 | In tunnel configuration mode, specify the tunnel source IPv4 or IPv6 address. | tunnel source ip-address |
3 | In tunnel configuration mode, specify the tunnel destination IPv4 or IPv6 address. | tunnel destination ip-address |
4 | In tunnel configuration mode, specify the tunnel interface IPv4 or IPv6 address. Do not configure an IP address when configuring the tunnel as a VPPS L2 tunnel in step 6. | ip address ip-address |
5 | In tunnel configuration mode, configure the encapsulation method (tunnel mode) for the tunnel. | tunnel mode {gre | ipip [ipv6] | ipv6ip [ipv6]} |
6 | Optionally, in tunnel configuration mode, configure the tunnel as a VPPS L2 tunnel. | tunnel mode gre l2 port-name |
7 | Optionally, in tunnel configuration mode, configure the tunnel as a L2 tunnel bridge port (Virtual Private Ethernet Service). | tunnel mode gre l2 tb-port-name |
8 | Optionally, in tunnel configuration mode, configure the tunnel as a L2 GRE mirrored tunnel. | tunnel mirror {enable | disable} |
9 | In tunnel configuration mode, If the tunnel mode is GRE and IPv4 over IPv4 encapsulation will be used, optionally configure the keepalive interval and number of keepalive retries. | tunnel keepalive seconds retries |
10 | In tunnel configuration mode, If the tunnel mode is GRE, optionally configure the GRE keyword. | tunnel keyword keyword |
11 | Optionally, in tunnel configuration mode, assign the tunnel to a Split Horizon group. | tunnel split-horizon group-id |
12 | In tunnel configuration mode, optionally modify the outer tunnel header ToS value. | tunnel tos tos |
13 | In tunnel configuration mode, optionally configure a tunnel probe to monitor an IP address associated with the tunnel. | tunnel probe probe-name {default | probe-name} |
14 | In global configuration mode, optionally configure an IPv4 or IPv6 static route specifying the route destination address and tunnel interface. If a static route is not configured, assure that reachability from the tunnel source to the the tunnel destination exists using a supported routing protocol. |
ip route {prefix mask | prefix/prefix-length} interface interface-name [distance] [tag tag-id] or ipv6 route prefix/length interface interface-name [distance] [tag tag-id] |
15 | In tunnel configuration mode, optionally enable checkspoofing to verify that the source address of the packet is reachable from the receiving interface. | ip checkspoof {strict-mode | loose-mode} ipv6 checkspoof {strict-mode | loose-mode} |
16 | In tunnel configuration mode, optionally apply an IPv4 or IPv6 ACL to the interface. | ip access-group {access-list-number | name} {in | out} ipv6 access-group name {in | out} |
The following procedure describes VXLAN Gateway configuration.
VXLAN Gateway Configuration
Step | Task | Command(s) |
1 | In any command mode, set the tunnel bridge port associated with the VXLAN to tagged or untagged. | set vlan egress vlan-id port-list tagged |
2 | In global command mode, to prevent excessive flooding, enable VXLAN ARP/ND proxy feature. | set tunnel vxlan arp-nd-proxy |
3 | In global command mode, set up logical switches. | set tunnel logical-switch create name logical-switch |
4 | In global command mode, define a mapping relationship between the VLAN and the VNI for this VXLAN. There is a one-to-one mapping between the logical switch a VNI and a VLAN. | set tunnel map logical-switch logical-switch-id keyword vni vlan vlan-id |
5 | In global command mode, create point–to–multi-point tunnel for switches. | set tunnel remote-vtep logical-switch logical-switch ip-address ip-address |
6 | In router configuration mode, create the tunnel interface and enter tunnel interface configuration mode for this VXLAN. | interface tunnel tunnel-id |
7 | In tunnel interface configuration mode, configure the source IP address of the tunnel. | tunnel source ip-address |
8 | In tunnel configuration mode, configure the VXLAN L2 encapsulation method (tunnel mode) for the tunnel. | tunnel mode vxlan l2 tunnel-bridge-port |
Refer to the S-, K-, and 7100 Series CLI Reference Guide for more information about each command.