The IP debug utility provides debug level monitoring of :
Within the IP packet debug utility, monitoring can be filtered based upon VLAN, MAC address, Ether type, access list or ARP address using the debug packet filter command. Debug message display can be both throttled to a specified number of messages per second or a maximum limit as well as set for a maximum or minimum level of information per message using the debug packet control command. If the maximum limit is reached, restart the packet debug utility to restart message display. By default messages display at a verbose level. The information level can also be set to brief to display less information per message.
The debug ip packet-restart command restarts the packet logging process. Depending on the packet debug limit configuration, a specified number of logs will be displayed as frames are processed. By default, this is 10 logs. Use the restart command to see another 10 logs.
Use the debug ip packet command in configuration command mode to configure IP packet debug.
Use the debug ip bgp command to enable the debug IP BGP utility for monitoring BGP timers, messages and routes.
Use the debug ip ospf to enable the debug IP OSPFv2 utility for monitoring OSPF adjacencies, LSA generation, packets, and retransmissions.
Use the debug packet show-statistics command to display debug statistics for packet and host counters and IPv4 exceptions.
Use the debug packet clear-statistics command to clear all debug utility counters.
Use the show debugging command to display the current IP debug utility settings.
Configuring IP Debug describes how to configure IP debug. All IP debug commands are accessed in configuration command mode.
Configuring IP Debug
Task | Command(s) |
Optionally, disable the debug IP packet utility. | no debug packet |
Optionally, restart the debug IP packet utility. | debug packet restart |
Optionally, filter the display of debug IP packet messages by the specified criteria. | debug packet filter {[vlan-in-list vlan-list] [vlan-out-list vlan-list] [port-in-list port-list] [port-out-list port-list] [src-mac mac-address] [dest-mac mac-address] [etype value] [access-list access-list] [arp {ip-address netmask | ip-address/length}]} |
Optionally, set debug IP packet utility control parameters that throttle or limit message display and set the amount of information displayed per message. | debug packet control {[throttle throttle] [limit limit] [verbose | brief]} |
Optionally, enable the debug IP BGP utility (S-Series). | debug ip bgp {keepalive | notification | open | route-refresh | route-add | route-ineligible | route-remove | update | dampen | timer} |
Optionally, enable the debug IP OSPF utility. | debug {ip} ospf {adj | lsa-generation | packet | retransmission | trace-interface trace-interface} |
Optionally, enable the debug IP VRRP utility. | debug ip vrrp [advertisements | critical-ip | trace-interface trace-interface | trace-vrid vrid] |