This section provides details for the configuration of ports on the S- K- and 7100-Series products.
Default Port Parameters lists port parameters and their default values.
Default Port Parameters
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
broadcast suppression | Specifies a limit for the number of broadcast packets per second that can be received and switched on a port. | disabled (set to max value of 1488100) |
console baud rate | Specifies the baud rate for the console port. | 9600 |
console bits | Specifies the number of bits per character on the console port. | 8 bits |
console flow control | Specifies the flow control mechanism for the console port. | ctsrts (Clear to Send/Request to Send) |
global link flap state | Specifies whether link flap is enabled globally on this device | disabled |
jumbo frame support | Specifies whether Ethernet frame with a payload greater than 1500 is supported on this port. | disabled |
port ingress filter | Specifies that frame forwarding is limited to members of the port‘s VLAN egress list. | disabled |
port negotiation | Specifies whether auto-negotiation is enabled on this port. | enabled |
port priority | Specifies the 802.1D priority for this port. | 0 |
port state | Specifies the port state. | disabled |
port traps | Specifies whether the sending of port traps is enabled on this port. | enabled |
transmit queue monitoring state | Specifies the global state of transmit queue monitoring on the device. (7100-Series) | enabled |
transmit queue monitoring trap status | Specifies the global state of transmit queue monitoring trap generation on the device. (7100-Series) | enabled |
transmit queue monitoring down time | Specifies the number of sample intervals the port will be down if the disable port threshold action is triggered for the port. (7100-Series) | 1 sample interval |
Configuring Ports describes how to configure ports.
Configuring Ports
Step | Task | Command(s) |
1 | Administratively enable one or more ports on the system. | set port enable port-string |
2 | Optionally, change the properties for one or more console ports. | set console {[baud rate] | [bits num-bits] | [cts-link {enable | disable}] | [flowcontrol {none | ctsrts | dsrdtr}] | [parity {none | odd | even | mark | space}] | [stopbits {one | oneandhalf | two}] [vt100 dsr {enable | disable | timeout timeout]} [port-string] |
3 | Optionally, limit the forwarding of received frames based on port VLAN egress lists. | set port ingress-filter port-string enable |
4 | Optionally, assign an alias name to a port. | set port alias port-string [string] |
5 | Optionally, on a 7100-Series device, change the port buffer mode. | set port buffer mode {flow-control | priority-groups} |
6 | Optionally, enable the forcing of ports in the “operstatus down” state to become disabled. | set forcelinkdown enable |
7 | Optionally, set the default speed of one or more ports. | set port speed port-string {10 | 100 | 1000 | 10000 | 40000} |
8 | Optionally, set the default duplex type for one or more ports. | set port duplex port-string {full | half} |
9 | Optionally, enable jumbo frame support on one or more ports. | set port jumbo enable [port-string] |
10 | Optionally, enable auto-negotiation on one or more ports. | set port negotiation port-string enable |
11 | Optionally, set MDI/MDIX mode on one or more ports. | set port mdix [port-string] {auto | mdi | mdix} |
12 | Optionally, configure the auto-negotiation advertised capabilities on one or more ports. | set port advertise port-string {[10t] [10tfd] [100tx] [100txfd] [1000x] [1000xfd] [1000t] [1000tfd] [pause] [apause] [spause] [bpause]) |
13 | Optionally, enable flow control settings for one or more ports. | set port flowcontrol port-string {receive | send | both} enable |
14 | Optionally, set the broadcast suppression limit on one or more ports. | set port broadcast port-string threshold-val |
15 | Optionally, set a default port priority for one or more ports. | set port priority port-string priority |
16 | Optionally, map 802.1D (802.1p) priorities to transmit queues for one or more ports. (S-, K-Series) | set port priority-queue port-string priority queue |
Configuring Transmit Queue Monitoring (7100-Series) describes how to configure transmit queue monitoring on the 7100-Series platform.
Configuring Transmit Queue Monitoring (7100-Series)
Step | Task | Command(s) |
Enable transmit queue monitoring globally on the device if it is disabled. | set txqmonitor state {enable | disable} |
17 | Optionally, modify the transmit queue monitoring sample interval. | set txqmonitor sampleinterval seconds |
18 | Optionally, modify the number of sample intervals the port will be down if the disable port threshold action is triggered. | set txqmonitor downtime sample-intervals |
19 | Optionally, modify the number of sample-intervals the port will ignore pause frames if the ignore pause frames threshold action is triggered. | set txqmonitor ignorepausetime sample-intervals |
20 | Optionally, modify the minimum number of packets transmitted by the transmit buffer within the sample interval to avoid the buffer being set to stalled state. | set txqmonitor minrate packets |
21 | Optionally, modify the number of sample intervals before a transmit queue monitoring action is triggered. | set txqmonitor threshold {disableport | ignorepause | logging} sample-intervals |
22 | Optionally, enable transmit queue monitoring global traps generation. | set txqmonitor trapstatus {enable | disable} |
Configuring Link Trap and Link Flap Detection describes how to configure link trap and link flap detection.
Configuring Link Trap and Link Flap Detection
Step | Task | Command(s) |
1 | Optionally, enable one or more ports for sending SNMP trap messages when link status changes occur. | set port trap port-string enable |
2 | Optionally, globally enable the link flap detection function for this device. Defaults to disabled. | set linkflap globalstate enable |
3 | Optionally, enable the link flap detection function on one or more ports. Defaults to disabled. | set linkflap portstate enable [port-string] |
4 | Optionally, change the period of time within which the link flap threshold must be exceeded to cause the link flap action to trigger. | set linkflap interval port-string interval_value |
5 | Optionally, set the action that will occur when a link flap violation threshold is met. | set linkflap action port-string {disableInterface | gensyslogentry | gentrap | all} |
6 | Optionally, change the link flap action trigger threshold. | set linkflap threshold port-string threshold_value |
7 | Optionally, set the length of time one or more ports will be held down after a link flap violation threshold is met and the action is set to disable the interface. | set linkflap downtime port-string downtime_value |
Managing Port Configuration describes how to manage port configuration.
Managing Port Configuration
Task | Command |
To clear the properties set for one or more console ports to its default values: | clear console [baud] [bits] [cts-link] [flowcontrol] [parity] [stopbits] [vt100] [port-string] |
To override the causes configured to place operating status to a down or dormant state for one or more ports: | clear port operstatuscause [port-string] [admin] [all] [cos] [flowlimit] [linkflap] [policy] |
To reset the force link down function to the default state of disabled: | clear forcelinkdown |
To reset jumbo frame support status to enabled on one or more ports: | clear port jumbo [port-string] |
To reset MDIX mode to the default setting of auto on one or more ports: | clear port mdix [port-string] |
To reset auto-negotiation advertised capabilities to the default setting on one or more ports: | clear port advertise port-string [10t | 10tfd | 100tx | 100txfd | 1000x | 1000txfd | 1000t | 1000tfd | pause | apause | spause | bpause] |
To clear the configured actions to a link flap violation: | clear linkflap action {port-string} {disableInterface | gensyslogentry | gentrap | all} |
To toggle link flap disabled ports to operational: | clear linkflap down [port-string] |
To clear all link flap options or statistics on one or more ports: | clear linkflap {all | stats [port-string] | parameter port-string {threshold | interval | downtime | all} |
To reset the broadcast threshold or clear the peak rate and peak time values on one or more ports: | clear port broadcast port-string {[threshold] [peak]} |
To reset the current default port priority setting to the default value of 0 on one or more ports: | clear port priority port-string |
To reset port priority queue settings back to defaults for one or more ports. (S-, K-Series) | clear port priority-queue port-string |
Displaying Port Configuration Information and Statistics describes how to display port configuration information and statistics.
Displaying Port Configuration Information and Statistics
Task | Command |
To display properties set for one or more console ports: | show console [baud] [bits] [flowcontrol] [parity] [stopbits] [port-string] |
To display whether or not one or more ports are enabled for switching: | show port [port-string] |
To display operating and admin status, speed, duplex mode and port type for one or more ports on the device: | show port status [port-string] [-interesting] |
To display port counter statistics detailing traffic through the device and through all MIB2 network devices: | show port counters [port-string] [switch | mib2 | brief | packets | detail | errors] [nonzero] |
To display the causes configured to place operating status to a down or dormant state for one or more ports: | show port operstatuscause [admin | any | cos | dot1x | flowlimit | init | lag | linkflap | linkloss | modifiable | policy | self] [port-string] |
To display all ingress-filter enabled ports or the ingress-filter state of the specified ports: | show port ingress-filter port-string |
To display alias name(s) assigned to one or more ports: | show port alias [port-string] |
To display the status of the force link down function: | show forcelinkdown |
To display port transceiver information: | show port transceiver [port-string] [basic-only] [sensor-only] [all] |
To display the default speed setting on one or more ports: | show port speed [port-string] |
To display the default duplex setting for one or more ports: | show port duplex [port-string] |
To display the status of jumbo frame support and MTUs on one or more ports: | show port jumbo [port-string] |
To display the status of auto-negotiation for one or more ports: | show port negotiation [port-string] |
To display MDIX mode on one or more ports: | show port mdix [port-string] {all | auto | mdi | mdix} |
To display the advertised abilities on one or more ports: | show port advertise [port-string] |
To display the flow control state for one or more ports: | show port flowcontrol [port-string] |
To display the default 802.1D priority for one or more ports: | show port priority [port-string] |
To display port broadcast suppression information on one or more ports: | show port broadcast [port-string] |
To display transmit queue monitoring configuration settings (7100-Series): | show txqmonitor settings |
To display transmit queue monitoring port values (7100-Series): | show txqmonitor port |
To display port operstatus cause status (7100-Series): | show port operstatuscause txqmn [port-name] |