Default Settings

This section provides details for IP SLA configuration on S- and K-Series devices.

Default IP SLA Values lists IP SLA default values.

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Default IP SLA Values

Parameter Description Default Value
collections The number of tests for which statistical data is kept. The default value clears the data prior to each test execution. 1 collection
distribution count The number of distributions of measured statistics. 0 distributions
distribution interval The length of a distribution. 25 milliseconds
history ageout The amount of time before the application frees the resources accumulated for a history collection. A value of zero indicates the application does not free any of the resources. 0 minutes
history bucket The number of timing information storage units in a history collection. 15 buckets
history samples The number of samples to collect in a static-depth bucket. 16 samples
history interval The length of a timed-depth bucket. 30 seconds
history collections The number of history collections to maintain. The default value indicates that no storage information is kept. 0 collections
history collections wrap Indicates whether the storage history wraps when the number of collections exceeds the value specified by history collections. no
monitor path-count The number of paths to keep track of. 0 paths
monitor hop-count The number of hops to keep track of. 1 hop
duration The length of a test. 30 seconds
repetitions The number of times a test is executed. 1
recurrence The time between test cycles. 0 seconds
frequency The time between each test in the test cycle. 30 seconds