The following procedure lists the steps to configure an ICMP or UDP timing probe. Refer to the Tracked Object Manager Commands section in the S-, K-, and 7100 Series CLI Reference Guide for details about using these commands.
Timing Probe Configuration
Step | Task | Command(s) |
1 | In global configuration mode, create the timing probe and enter probe timing configuration mode. | probe probe-name {icmp | udp} timing |
2 | In probe timing configuration mode, optionally configure a description of the probe. | description string |
3 | In probe timing configuration mode, optionally change the transmit interval from the default of 2000 milliseconds. | interval millisecs |
4 | In probe timing configuration mode, optionally change the receive wait time from the default of 1000 milliseconds. | receive millisecs |
5 | In probe timing configuration mode, optionally set the IP type of service or VLAN priority code point value to be included in the ICMP echo requests sent. | packet-options {ip-tos tos | vlan-pcp pcp} |
6 | In probe timing configuration mode, optionally specify a DNS query type | dns-query type {[domain [ip ip-address | name] | host name | ipv6 ipv6-address]} |
7 | In probe configuration mode, optionally specify a Layer 5 protocol to use with this probe. | l5-type {acv | dns} |
8 | In probe timing configuration mode, put the probe inservice. | inservice |
9 | Display information about the probe in any command mode. | show probe [probe-name [detail | session]] show probe sessions show probe default |