Implementing ACLs
To implement an ACL on your network:
- Create the L3 or L2 ACL
- Enter the rules and comments for the ACL:
- Optionally manage ACLs of the same type by:
- Copying a preexisting ACL to a non-existing ACL
- Appending a preexisting ACL to another preexisting ACL
- Entering an ACL comment entry
- Deleting an ACL rule entry
- Inserting a new ACL rule entry into an ACL
- Moving an ACL rule to a new location in an ACL
- Apply the L3 standard or extended ACL to a routing interface, the L3 policy ACL to the VRF global configuration mode, or the L2 ACL to a VLAN interface
- Optionally apply an IPv4 and IPv6 L3 standard or extended ACL in both an inbound and outbound direction to a VRF