This section provides details for state probe configuration on S- K- and 7100-Series products. The following table lists state probe default values.
Default Tracked Object Manager Parameters
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
probe faildetect count | The consecutive number of failed attempts before the service is declared down. | 3 probes |
probe faildetect interval | The delay in seconds between probes to a service that is up. | 10 seconds |
probe passdetect count | The consecutive number of successful probes to a service marked as down before the service is declared up. | 3 probes |
probe passdetect interval | The delay between probes to a service marked as down. | 300 seconds |
probe state | The service state of a configured probe. | not-in-service |
receive interval | The time, in seconds, the Tracked Object Manager waits for a response from the monitored service before declaring a failed probe. | 10 seconds |
search depth | The number of characters into the server response to search for the ACV reply string. | 255 characters |
SLB faildetect probe one and two | Default probe for server load balancing faildetect probe one and two. | probe one: $slb_default probe two: empty |
SLB faildetect type | The default probe behavior for this real server configuration. | probe; fail detection is active |
TCP 3-way handshake interval | The interval, in seconds, the track object manager waits for the 3-way handshake to complete. | 5 seconds |
TWCB faildetect application port | The default TWCB faildetect application port (S-Series). | 80 |
TWCB faildetect probe one and two | Default probe for TWCB faildetect probe one and two (S-Series). | probe one: $twcb_default probe two: empty |
TWCB faildetect type | The default probe behavior for this TWCB cache server (S-Series). | probe; fail detection is active |
The following procedure describes how to configure state probes. Refer to the “Tracked Object Manager Commands” chapter in the S-, K-, and 7100 Series CLI Reference Guide for more information about these commands.
State Probe Configuration
Step | Task | Command(s) |
1 | Create a probe, specifying the probe name and protocol type. | probe probe-name {icmp | tcp | udp} |
2 | Optionally, configure a description to be associated with the probe. | description description-text |
3 | Optionally, modify the number of consecutive failed faildetect probes that determine when the service is declared down. | faildetect count count |
4 | Optionally, modify the interval between fail detection probes. | faildetect interval seconds |
5 | Optionally, modify the number of successful pass detection probes that determine when a service marked as down will be declared up. | passdetect count count |
6 | Optionally, modify the interval between pass detection probes. | passdetect interval seconds |
7 | Optionally, specify the length of time the Tracked Object Manager waits for a response from the monitored service before declaring that a probe has failed. | receive wait-interval |
8 | For a TCP probe, optionally modify the interval that sets how long the Tracked Object Manager waits for the completion of the TCP 3-way handshake. | open wait-interval |
9 | When configuring ACV on a TCP or UDP probe, set the request string that will initiate the ACV session on the server. | acv request request-string |
10 | When configuring ACV on a TCP of UDP probe, set the ACV validation reply string the server responds to the request string with. | acv reply reply-string |
11 | When configuring ACV on a TCP probe, if required by the monitored protocol, configure a close string to close the session. | acv close close-string |
12 | In probe configuration mode, optionally specify a DNS query type | dns-query type {[domain [ip ip-address | name] | host name | ipv6 ipv6-address]} |
13 | In probe configuration mode, optionally specify a domand name or IP address that will be used to verify the DNS query response. | dns-verify match {address ip-address | domain name} |
14 | In probe configuration mode, optionally specify a Layer 5 protocol to use with this probe. | l5-type {acv | dns} |
15 | Enable the probe by placing it inservice. | inservice |