Implementing BFD

To implement BFD:

  1. Create a named BFD probe in global configuration mode.
  2. Optionally modify the BFD probe Control packet parameters: minimum transmit interval, minimum receive interval, and Control packet multiplier.
  3. Optionally disable the Echo function, if you do not want to transmit Echo packets.
  4. Optionally modify the Echo packet parameters, minimum transmit interval, minimum receive interval, and Echo packet miss count.
  5. Optionally enable Demand mode to disable Asynchronous operations and depend upon the Echo function for the detection of a communications failure on the neighbor.
  6. Optionally provide a string of up to 127 characters to describe the BFD probe.
  7. Optionally, modify the BFD slow timer feature to override the Control min-rx value when Echo mode is active.
  8. Place the BFD probe in service.
  9. Enable the default or named BFD probe for the interface configuration mode context in which it will operate.
  10. In OSPF router configuration mode, direct OSPF to create BFD sessions for its neighbors for the specified interface or all interfaces.