Configuring the serverFarmIPv6 Server Farm and Real Servers

Configure the serverFarmIPv6 server farm by:

  • Naming the server farm serverFarmIPv6
  • Configuring round robin as the load balancing algorithm for this server farm (weight will be be the default: each real server is treated equally)

Configure the real servers on the serverFarmIPv6 server farm by:

  • Configuring probe TCP-HTTP for application content verification and search-depth, modifying the faildetect and passdetect intervals, applying the probe to probe two of each HTTP server, and using the default ICMP ping probe in probe one
  • Configuring the following real servers: 2020::70:1.80 through 2020::70:4.80 and 2020::70:1.25 through 2020::70:4.25
  • Enabling each real server by placing each server in service


    We will not modify the maximum number of active connections allowed on any real server for this configuration example.