The following procedure lists the steps to configure a tracked object. Refer to the Tracked Object Manager Commandssection in the S-, K-, and 7100 Series CLI Reference Guide for details about using these commands.
Port Group Tracked Object Configuration
Step | Task | Command(s) |
1 | In global configuration mode, create a tracked object, specifying the type, and enter tracked object configuration mode. | track track-name port-group |
2 | In port-group tracked object configuration mode, configure the ports to be included in the port-group object. | port port-string |
3 | Optionally, in tracked object configuration mode, change the default delay values. | delay {[up secs]|[down secs]} |
4 | Optionally, in port-group tracked object configuration mode, change the default threshold values. | threshold count {[up count]|[down count]} |
5 | Optionally, in tracked object configuration mode, specify a description for the tracked object. | description string |
6 | In tracked object configuration mode, enable the tracked object. | inservice |
7 | Display information about the tracked object in any command mode. | show track [track-name [detail]] |