The interval between CCMs can be set to 1 second, 10 seconds, 1 minute, or 10 minutes.
All maintenance end points (MEPs) in an association must be configured for the same CCM interval. The source MEP sends a continuity check message at the interval set by this command. Should the remote end-point not be configured for the same CCM interval as the source end-point, CFM logs a configuration error and potentially triggers a defect.
If the remote end-point does not receive the continuity check message within a period of 3.5 times the configured CCM interval, an error is logged. Intermediate-points (MIPs) on the path between the sending and receiving MEPs do not actively log errors.
Use the ccm-interval command in MA configuration mode to change the interval between the transmission of CCMs. The CCM interval defaults to 1 second.
This example sets the interval between CCM transmissions used by all MEPs in the myMA1 maintenance association to 10 seconds:
System(rw-config)->cfm md string-name myMD1 System(su-config-cfm-md.1)->ma string-name myMA1 System(su-config-cfm-ma.1)->ccm-interval 10sec System(su-config-cfm-ma.1)->enable System(su-config-cfm-ma.1)->