OpenFlow Packet Processing Limitations
Flows can contain only one "output" action. Multiple output
actions may be specified in a group table. We support 4,096 groups, which may be configured as
either "all" or "indirect" types; group types "select" and "fast failover" are not currently
supported. Each group of type "all" may have up to 64 buckets. When multiple output actions are
specified in a group bucket that is considered one "set". We can support 50 individual sets and
they may all be used in one group or be distributed across multiple groups.
Match Fields—All match fields are supported except the
- SCTP source port
- SCTP destination port
- ARP source ipv4 address
- ARP target ipv4 address
- ARP source hardware address
- ARP target hardware address
- IPv6 ND target IP address
- IPv6 ND source link-layer address
- IPv6 ND target link-layer address
- IPv6 extension headers
- IPv6 flow label
Actions—All actions are supported except for the following set-field operations:
- In-port
- Phy port
- Ethernet frame type
- IP protocol
- ARP opcode
- ARP source ipv4 address
- ARP target ipv4 address
- ARP source hardware address
- ARP target hardware address
- SCTP source port
- SCTP destination port
- ICMPv4 type
- ICMPv4 code
- IPv6 ND target IP address
- IPv6 ND source link-layer address
- IPv6 ND target link-layer address
- ICMPv6 type
- ICMPv6 code
Output ports are fully supported, except as noted.
NORMAL—Unmodified packets are forwarded. The modifications are
Group table transformations—the following field modifications (in
any combination) are supported for packet flows using a group table:
- DMAC *
- SMAC *
- TOS *
- TTL (or Hop Count)
- Priority (802.1Q) *

* Can only be changed if the flow is going out one port per a
group table. If going out more than one port, the SMAC cannot be changed and the DMAC is
filled in with the MAC address of the interface that the VLAN is configured on.