Configurable Range
The allowable user-configurable range for VLAN IDs (VIDs) on Extreme Networks S- K- and 7100-Series switches is from 2 through 4094. This range is based on the following rules:
- VID 0 is the null VLAN ID, indicating that the tag header in the frame contains priority information rather than a VLAN identifier. It cannot be configured as a port VLAN ID (PVID).
- VID 1 is designated the default PVID value for classifying frames on ingress through a switched port. This default can be changed on a per-port basis.
- VID 4095 is reserved by IEEE for implementation use.

Each VLAN ID in a network must be unique. If you enter a duplicate VLAN ID, the Extreme Networks switch assumes you intend to modify the existing VLAN.