Protocol-based VLANs can be configured using the policy classification CLI commands, as shown in this section, or NetSight Policy Manager.
Configuring Protocol-Based VLAN Classification describes how to define protocol-based frame filtering policies to assign frames to particular VLANs. Refer to your Extreme Networks policy configuration and CLI documentation for more information.
Depending on your Extreme Networks switching device, your options for configuring policy classification may differ from the examples provided in this section. Refer to your device‘s documentation for a list of CLI commands and functions supported.Configuring Protocol-Based VLAN Classification
Step | Task | Command(s) |
1 | Create the VLANs to which frames will be assigned by the policy. Valid values are 1–4094. | set vlan create vlan-id |
2 | Configure VLAN egress, which determines which ports a frame belonging to the VLAN may be forwarded out on. The default setting, tagged, allows the port to transmit frames for a particular VLAN. |
set vlan egress vlan-id port-string [forbidden | tagged | untagged] |
3 | Disable ingress filtering on the ingress ports on which the policy will be applied. Disabled is the default ingress filtering setting. | set port ingress-filter port-string disable |
4 | Create the policy profile that enables PVID override. This function allows a policy rule classifying a frame to a VLAN to override PVID assignment configured with the set port vlan command. When none of its associated classification rules match, the configuration of the policy profile itself will determine how frames are handled by default. In this case, the default VLAN is specified with the pvid pvid parameter. |
set policy profile profile-index [name name] [pvid-status {enable | disable}] [pvid pvid] |
5 | Configure the administrative rules that will assign the policy profile to all frames received on the desired ingress ports. | set policy rule admin-profile port port-string [port-string port-string] [admin-pid admin-pid] |
6 | Configure the classification rules that will define the protocol to filter on and the VLAN ID to which matching frames will be assigned. | set policy rule profile-index {protocol data [mask mask]} [vlan vlan] |