This section provides details for the configuration of network monitoring on the S- K- and 7100-Series products.
Default Network Monitoring Parameters lists network monitoring parameters and their default values.
Default Network Monitoring Parameters
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
history buffer | The number of lines of CLI input that are placed in a buffer for redisplay. | 20 lines |
buckets | The number of RMON history entries to maintain. | 50 entries |
interval | The period between RMON history or alarm sampling. | history = 1800 seconds alarm = 3600 seconds |
owner | The RMON management station entity for a statistics or alarm context. | monitor |
type | The RMON alarm monitoring method or property, RMON event, or TopN counter type. | alarm = absolute event = none topN = inpackets |
startup | The RMON alarm type generated when an event is first enabled. | rising |
rthresh | The RMON minimum threshold for causing a rising alarm. | 0 events |
fthresh | The RMON maximum threshold for causing a falling alarm. | 0 events |
revent | The RMON index event number to be triggered when the rising threshold is crossed. | 0 |
fevent | The RMON index event number to be triggered when the falling threshold is crossed. | 0 |
alarm event or status (7100-Series) alarm, event, topN, matrix or host status (S-, K-Series) |
Whether an entry is enabled or disabled. | disabled |
channel action (S-, K-Series) | The RMON channel entry action . | packets are accepted on filter matches |
channel control (S-, K-Series) | The RMON channel flow of data control state. | off |
channel event status (S-, K-Series) | The event to be triggered when the channel is on and a packet is accepted. | ready |
channel description | A user configured description of the channel. | none. |
capture action | The RMON capture entry action when the buffer is full. | lock |
capture offset | The RMON capture first octet from each packet to retrieve. | 0 |
capture asksize | The RMON capture requested maximum octets to save in the buffer. | 1 |
capture slice | The RMON capture maximum number of octets from each packet to be saved to the buffer. | 100 |
capture loadsize | The RMON capture maximum number of cotets from each packet to be downloaded from the buffer. | 100 |
To optionally change the size of the history buffer, use the set history command, specifying the size of the history buffer. The default option configures the specified history buffer setting to persist for all future sessions. Otherwise, the setting only affects this session.
This example shows how to set the size of the command history buffer to 25 lines and make this the default setting:
System(rw)->set history 25 default
To optionally send a message to one or all active users on this switch, use the tell command, specifying an individual destination or all users. The dest option specifies the user and location in the user@location format.
This example shows how to tell user rw@ about a system reset:
System(rw)->show users Session User Location -------- ----- -------------------------- * console admin console (via com.1.1) telnet rw System(rw)->tell rw@ “System reset in 15 minutes”
User rw@ will receive:
Message from admin@console: “System reset in 15 minutes”
Network Diagnostics Commands describes network diagnostics commands.
Network Diagnostics Commands
Task | Command |
To determine the availability of another node on the network:
ping [-s bytes] [-c count] [-n] [-p pattern] [-t milliseconds] [-I interface] [-S ip-address] [-Q service-type] [-r] [-i milliseconds] [-v {4 | 6}] [-V router] host |
To display a hop-by-hop path from the device to a specific destination host:
traceroute [-d ip-address] [-F] [-f first_ttl] [-I] [-i interface] [-m max_ttl] [-n] [-p port] [-q nqueries] [-r] [-s source-address] [-t tos] [-v {4 | 6}] [-V router] [-w waittime] [-x] host |
To query a name server to translate hostnames to IP addresses or IP addresses to hostnames:
nslookup [-x] [-v {4 | 6}] host |
Configuring SMON describes how to configure SMON. SMON commands can be entered from any command mode.
Configuring SMON
Step | Task | Command(s) |
1 | Optionally, first create and then enable an SMON session for the collection of Ethernet priority statistics for the specified port(s). | set smon priority {create | enable} port-string [owner] |
2 | Optionally, first create and then enable an SMON session for the collection of VLAN statistics for the specified ports and VLANS on the S- and K-Series or the selected VLANs, specified using VTAP port strings on the 7100-Series. Port-VLAN collections for individual Ethernet and LAG ports are not supported on the 7100-Series. | set smon vlan {create | enable} port-string [owner] |
Configuring Remote Network Monitoring describes how to configure RMON. RMON commands can be entered from any command mode.
Configuring Remote Network Monitoring
Step | Task | Command(s) |
1 | Optionally, configure RMON to to create entries that record statistics measured by the RMON probe for each specified interface.
set rmon stats index [port-string] [owner] [direction {rx+tx | rx | tx}] |
2 | Optionally, specify the maximum number and period for recorded statistical samples from a network.
set rmon history index [port-string] [buckets buckets] [interval interval] [owner owner] [direction {rx+tx | rx | tx}] |
3 | Configure RMON probe variable thresholds that will trigger an alarm if crossed by a sampled probe.
set rmon alarm properties index [interval interval] [object object] [type {absolute | delta}] [startup {rising | falling | either}] [rthresh rthresh] [fthresh fthresh] [revent revent] [fevent fevent] [owner owner] |
4 | Enable a configured alarm entry. | set rmon alarm status index enable |
5 | Configure RMON probe variable thresholds that will trigger an event if crossed by a sampled probe.
set rmon event properties index [description description] [type {none | log | trap | both}] [community community] [owner owner] |
6 | Enable a configured event entry. | set rmon event status index enable |
7 | Configure RMON to record statistics associated with each host discovered on the network (S-, K-Series).
set rmon host properties index port-string [owner] |
8 | Configure an RMON topN properties entry for the generation of tables that describe hosts that top a list ordered by one of their statistics (S-, K-Series).
set rmon topn properties index [hindex hindex] [rate {inpackets | outpackets | inoctets | outoctets | errors | bcast | mcast}] [duration duration] [size size] [owner owner] |
9 | Enable an RMON topN entry (S-, K-Series). | set rmon topN status index enable |
10 | Configure an RMON matrix properties entry for recording statistics for conversations between two IP addresses (S-, K-Series).
set rmon matrix properties index port-string [owner] |
11 | Enable an RMON matrix entry (S-, K-Series). | set rmon matrix status index enable |
12 | Configure an RMON channel entry to match packets by a filter equation (S-, K-Series).
set rmon channel index port-string [accept {matched | failed}] [control {on | off}] [onevent onevent] [offevent offevent] [event event] [estatus {ready | fired | always}] [description description] [owner owner] |
13 | Configure an RMON filter entry (S-, K-Series).
set rmon filter index channel_index [offset offset] [status status] [smask smask] [snotmask snotmask] [data data] [dmask dmask] [dnotmask dnotmask] [owner owner] |
14 | Configure RMON capture to capture packets
upon a filter match.
set rmon capture index {channel [action {lock | wrap}] [slice slice] [loadsize loadsize] [offset offset] [asksize asksize] [owner owner]} |
Managing Network Monitoring describes how to manage network monitoring.
Managing Network Monitoring
Task | Command |
To disconnect from a console or Telnet session: | disconnect {ip-address | console} |
To disable SMON priority counters collection for the specified port(s), without clearing the created session: | set smon priority disable port-string [owner] |
To disable SMON VLAN counters collection for the specified selected VLANs, specified using VTAP port strings, without clearing the created session: | set smon vlan disable port-string [owner] |
To clear an existing SMON priority counters session for the specified port(s): | clear smon priority [port-string] |
To clear an existing SMON VLAN counters session for the specified port(s): | clear smon vlan [port-string] |
To delete one or more RMON statistics entries: | clear rmon stats {index | to-defaults} |
To delete one or more RMON statistics entries: | clear rmon stats {index-list | to-defaults} |
To delete one or more RMON history entries: | clear rmon history {index-list | to-defaults} |
To delete an RMON alarm entry: | clear rmon alarm index |
To delete an RMON event entry and any associated log entries: | clear rmon event index |
To delete an RMON host entry (S-, K-Series): | clear rmon host index |
To delete an RMON topN entry (S-, K-Series): | clear rmon topN index |
To delete an RMON matrix entry (S-, K-Series): | clear rmon matrix index |
To delete an RMON channel entry (S-, K-Series): | clear rmon channel index |
To delete an RMON filter entry (S-, K-Series): | clear rmon filter index |
To delete an rmon capture entry (S-, K-Series): | clear rmon capture index |
Displaying Network Monitoring Information and Statistics describes how to display network monitoring information and statistics.
Displaying Network Monitoring Information and Statistics
Task | Command |
To display the contents of the CLI history buffer: | history |
To display the current history buffer size setting: | show history |
To display switch connection statistics for all or the specified protocol: | show netstat [icmp | ip | stats | tcp | udp] |
To display information for the active console port or Telnet sessions on the switch: | show user |
To display SMON priority statistics counters for all or the specified port(s) and priorities: | show smon priority [port-string] [priority priority] |
To display SMON VLAN statistics counters for all or the specified VLAN(s): | show smon vlan [port-string] [vlan vlan-id] |
To display RMON statistics for one or more ports: | show rmon stats [port-string] [wide] [bysize] |
To display RMON history properties and statistics: | show rmon history [port-string] [wide] [interval {30sec | 5min | 25min}] |
To display RMON alarm entries: | show rmon alarm [index] |
To display RMON event entry properties: | show rmon event [index] |
To display RMON properties and statistics associated with each host discovered on the network (S-, K-Series): | show rmon host [port-string] [address | creation] |
To display RMON TopN properties and statistics (S-, K-Series): | show rmon topN [index] |
To display RMON matrix properties and statistics (S-, K-Series): | show rmon matrix [port-string] [source | dest] |
To display RMON channel entries for one or more ports (S-, K-Series): | show rmon channel [port-string] |
To display one or more RMON filter entries (S-, K-Series): | show rmon filter [index index | channel channel] |
To display RMON capture entries and associated buffer control entries: | show rmon capture [index] [nodata] |