When Manual Mode is Configured

When manual distribution mode is configured, if a PoE module is added to the switch, the PoE power budget for existing modules will not be recalculated. The new module will have a power budget of zero until it is manually provisioned. Since the sum of the manually provisioned wattages cannot exceed the total system power available, it may be necessary to adjust existing budgets to free up power for the new module.

When a PoE module is removed from a switch configured with manual power distribution mode, the PoE budget for each module will not be recalculated, based on the assumption that the module removed will be replaced with a new module that should receive the same amount of PoE power.

As noted above, if the total available PoE power is reduced, the power will automatically be redistributed based on applying the calculated percentages. If an additional PoE supply is installed, there is no impact on the assigned PoE since specific wattages have been assigned to each module. Only the “Total Power Detected” value will change. The extra PoE power, however, is available for further redistribution manually.