In a non-VSB single chassis system, the chassis backplane provides distribution between chassis slots. In a VSB enabled system, GbE port interconnections provide distribution between chassis.
On the S-Series device, there are two types of VSB interconnect ports depending upon the module and option cards installed:
S-Series dedicated VSB hardware interconnect ports have their own naming convention: vsb.x.y where x specifies the slot number and y specifies the port number. VSB hardware interconnect ports are designated by a blue outline and labeled “Bonding Port”. If a VSB hardware interconnect port is present, the module does not require a VSB license.
Configure the interconnect port type being used by setting the interconnect port bonding mode to hard for VSB hardware interconnect ports or soft for standard Ethernet data interconnect ports using the set bonding mode command. VSB interconnect port bonding mode defaults to soft.
Interconnect link support depends upon whether the platform has dedicated VSB hardware ports present. If present, only VSB hardware ports are supported for VSB interconnect links. If not present, 10GbE ports enabled for VSB are supported for VSB interconnect links.
On the K-Series device, interconnect link support is limited to fabric module 10GbE ports enabled for VSB.
It is recommended that you consider optimization of interconnect redundancy and optimization of bandwidth when determining the number and location of VSB interconnect links configured between bonded chassis.
Configure the VSB chassis using the set bonding chassis command (see VSB Chassis Configuration for details) before enabling VSB interconnect ports.
Use the set bonding port enable command, specifying the interconnect port, to enable the VSB interconnect port. The VSB interconnect port must be enabled on both chassis. Port designation is based upon the standard physical chassis slot and port designation until VSB is globally enabled for the VSB system (See Globally Enabling and Disabling the VSB System). A minimum of one VSB interconnect link must be configured between bonded chassis before globally enabling VSB. Once VSB is globally enabled, VSB interconnect links can be added or modified.
See VSB Chassis Configuration for details concerning chassis slot numbering before and after a VSB system is globally enabled.
In a VSB system of two three slot chassis that is globally enabled:
When modifying interconnect ports in a globally enabled VSB system, use the globally enabled port designation to specify ports.