This section provides a table of feature default values and a procedure for configuring a feature system.
The following table lists IS-IS default values.
IS-IS Parameters
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
authentication mode | The IS-IS MD5 authentication mode that provides a cryptographic hash MD5 digest to each IS-IS PDU. | MD5 |
distance | The administrative distance for IS-IS routes. | 115 |
graceful restart state | Specifies whether graceful restart is enabled or disabled on a router. | disabled |
graceful restart help peer | A function on the graceful restarting router peer that specifies whether the peer will help in the graceful restarting process. | enabled |
graceful restart adjacency interval | Specifies the length of time graceful restart waits for the adjacency to form. | 10 seconds |
graceful restart interval | Specifies the length of time a graceful restart is allowed to continue without completing before graceful restart is terminated. | 65535 seconds |
graceful restart sync interval | Specifies the length of time graceful restart will wait for the IS-IS database to synchronize. | 60 seconds |
ignore LSP errors | Specifies that IS-IS ignores link state packet checksum errors on the device. | disabled |
LSP buffer size | Specifies the LSP buffer size, based upon the maximum size of LSPs originated by this IS-IS routing instance. | 1492 bytes |
LSP generation interval | The minimum interval between generation of LSPs. | 1 second |
maximum LSP lifetime | The maximum time an LSP can persist without being refreshed. | 1200 seconds |
maximum paths | The maximum number of parallel routes to be installed into the routing table for this device. | 8 |
metric style | The TLV metric style for this IS-IS instance. | both (narrow and wide) |
overload bit | When set, instructs this intermediate system to tell other intermediate systems not to use it as an intermediate hop in the SPF calculation. | not set |
SPF interval | The minimum amount of time between Shortest Path First (SPF) processing for this IS-IS instance. | 33 milli-seconds |
CSNP interval | The interval between sending sequence number PDUs (CSNP) on the interface. | 10 seconds |
hello interval | The minimum amount of time between sending hello PDUs on the interface. | 10 seconds |
hello multiplier | The number of hello packets a neighbor must miss before the intermediate system declares the adjacency down for the interface. | 3 |
LSP MTU | The maximum PDU size for PDUs on the interface. | 1490 bytes |
LSP throttle | The minimum interval between the transmission of Link-State-Packets on the interface. | 30 milli-seconds |
metric | The cost of using the interface. | 10 |
priority | The priority used to determine which intermediate system on a LAN is the designated router. | 64 |
retransmit interval | The minimum amount of time between the retransmission of the same LSP on an interface. | 5 seconds |
The following procedure describes feature configuration on the Extreme Networks S- K- and 7100-Series devices. All commands used to configure IS-IS are entered in the IS-IS configuration mode after enabling IS-IS using the router isis command.
Configuring Global IS-IS
Step | Task | Command(s) |
1 | In global configuration mode, enable IS-IS globally on the device and enter IS-IS intermediate system configuration mode. | router isis |
2 | Specify the Network Access Point address for this IS-IS instance in the format xx.xxxx.(...)xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.00. | net net |
3 | Optionally configure the IS-IS type for this IS-IS instance. | is-type {level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2} |
4 | Specify the IS-IS domain password for this device. | domain-password password |
5 | Specify the area password. | area-password password |
6 | Optionally specify an IS-IS authentication key chain for the device. | authentication key-chain keychain [level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2] |
7 | Optionally set the authentication mode. | authentication mode {md5 | text} [level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2] |
8 | Optionally configure IS-IS authentication only on sent IS-IS frames. | authentication send-only [level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2] |
9 | In IS-IS configuration mode, optionally modify the IS-IS administrative distance for this IS-IS intermediate system. | distance [isis {external | internal}] weight |
10 | Optionally configure a dynamic hostname. | hostname dynamic hostname |
11 | Optionally enable IS-IS to ignore link state packet checksum errors on the device. | ignore-lsp-errors |
12 | Optionally configure the LSP buffer size based upon the specified maximum size of the LSP‘s originated by the IS-IS routing instance. | lsp-buf-size size [level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2] |
13 | Optionally configure the minimum interval between the generation of LSPs on the device. | lsp-gen-interval interval [level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2] |
14 | Optionally configure the maximum time that LSPs persist without being refreshed. | max-lsp-lifetime lifetime |
15 | Optionally configure the maximum number of parallel routes to be installed into the routing table for this device. | maximum-paths num |
16 | Optionally configure the TLV metric style for this IS-IS instance. | metric-style {wide | both} |
17 | In IS-IS configuration mode, optionally configure the redistribution of routing protocols into IS-IS. | redistribute {bgp | connected | ospf process_id| rip | static | blackhole | isis level-2 into level-1 [distribute-list access-list]} [route-map name] [metric metric-value] |
18 | Optionally configure the intermediate system to signal other intermediate systems not to use this intermediate system as an intermediate hop in their SPF calculations. | set-overload-bit [level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2] |
19 | Optionally configure the minimum amount of time between Shortest Path First (SPF) processing on an IS-IS instance. | spf-interval interval |
20 | Optionally create an aggregate IS-IS address for summarization of routes. | summary-address ip-address/length |
21 | Optionally enable IS-IS graceful restart for this router. | graceful-restart enable |
22 | Optionally set the length of time graceful restart will allow for the forming of adjacencies. | graceful-restart restart-adj-interval interval |
23 | Optionally set the length of time graceful restart will attempt to complete a restart before terminating. | graceful-restart restart-interval interval |
Optionally specify the amount of time graceful restart will allow for the synchronization of the database. | graceful-restart restart-sync-interval {level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2} interval |
The following table describes IS-IS Interface configuration on Extreme Networks S- K- and 7100-Series devices. All IS-IS interface configuration commands are entered in interface configuration mode. All IS-IS interface configuration is optional.
Configuring IS-IS on the Interface
Task | Command(s) |
If IPv6 routing will take place on the interface, enable IPv6 IS-IS routing on the interface. IPv4 IS-IS routing is enabled globally. | ipv6 router isis |
Configure an IS-IS authentication key chain on an interface | isis authentication key-chain keychain [level-1 | level-2] |
Configure the IS-IS authentication mode on an interface. | isis authentication mode {md5 | text} [level-1 | level-2] |
Configure IS-IS authentication only on sent IS-IS frames on an interface. | isis authentication send-only [level-1 | level-2] |
Configure the IS-IS type on an interface | isis circuit-type {level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2} |
Configure the IS-IS complete sequence number PDU (CSNP) interval for the interface. | isis csnp-interval seconds [level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2] |
Configure the IS-IS Hello Protocol Data Units interval for the interface. | isis hello-interval {seconds | minimal} [level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2] |
Configure the number of hello packets a neighbor must miss before the intermediate system declares the adjacency down for the interface. | isis hello-multiplier multiplier [level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2] |
Configure IS-IS hello padding on an interface. | isis hello-padding |
Configure the maximum PDU size for PDUs on the interface. | isis lsp-mtu size |
Configure the minimum interval between the transmission of Link-State Packets (LSP)s. | isis lsp-throttle interval |
Configure the cost of using the interface. | isis metric cost [level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2] |
Configure a two device network that uses broadcast media and IS-IS to function as a point-to-point link. | isis network-point-to-point |
Configure the suppression of IS-IS packets from being transmitted by the interface and received packets from being processed by the interface. | isis passive-interface |
Configure an authentication password for the interface. | isis password password [level-1 | level-2] |
Configure the priority used to determine which intermediate system on a LAN is the designated router. | isis priority priority [level-1 | level-1-2 | level-2] |
Configure the minimum interval between retransmissions of the same LSP. | isis retransmit-interval interval |
The following procedure describes IS-IS IPv6 unicast address family configuration on the Extreme Networks S- K- and 7100-Series devices.
Configuring IS-IS IPv6 Unicast Address Family
Step | Task | Command(s) |
1 | From global configuration mode, optionally enter the IPv6 unicast IS-IS address family configuration mode to configure administrative distance, redistribution of routing protocols into IS-IS, and address summarization for IPv6 unicast. | address-family ipv6 unicast |
2 | In IPv6 unicast address family configuration mode, optionally modify the IS-IS administrative distance for this IS-IS intermediate system. | distance [isis {external | internal}] weight |
3 | In IPv6 unicast address mode, optionally configure the redistribution of routing protocols into IS-IS. | redistribute {bgp | connected | ospf process_id| rip | static | blackhole | isis level-2 into level-1 [distribute-list access-list]} [route-map name] [metric metric-value] |
4 | In IPv6 unicast address family configuration mode, optionally create an aggregate IS-IS address for summarization of routes. | summary-address ip-address/length |
The following table describes how to display IS-IS information on Extreme Networks S- K- and 7100-Series devices. All IS-IS display commands can be entered from any command mode.
Displaying IS-IS Information
Task | Command(s) |
Display IS-IS database information for the intermediate system. | show isis database [lsp lsp] | [level-1] | [level-2] | [detail] | [verbose] |
Display the hostname per LSP ID. | show isis hostname |
Display the frequency and reason for LSP changes on an interface. | show isis lsp-log |
Display IS-IS intermediate system neighbors. | show isis neighbors |
Display the IS-IS topology. | show isis topology |
Refer to the S-, K-, and 7100 Series CLI Reference Guide for more information about each command.