This section provides a table of VSB default values and a procedure for configuring a VSB system. The following table lists VSB default values.
Default VSB Parameters
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
Chassis ID | Identifies a VSB system chassis. | None. |
System ID | Identifies a VSB system made up of two VSB chassis. | None. |
LFR priority | Used to determine the physical chassis to be put in dormant state should all VSB interconnect links go down. | 10 times the chassis ID. |
LFR state | Specifies whether LFR is globally enabled or disabled on the physical chassis. | Disabled. |
MAC address | VSB system MAC address | An internal MAC address associated with VSB chassis 1. |
VSB state | Specifies whether VSB is globally enabled or disabled on the physical chassis. | Disabled. |
The following procedure describes VSB configuration on the 7100-Series devices. All commands used to configure VSB can be entered in any command mode.
Configuring VSB
Step | Task | Command(s) |
1 | On each chassis, configure each chassis‘ VSB chassis ID and the ID of the VSB system the two chassis belong to. Optionally:
set bonding chassis chassis-id {system-id system-id | secret secret | lfr-priority priority} |
2 | Optionally change the VSB system MAC address from the default value. | set bonding mac mac-address |
3 | Enable bonding on the:
set bonding port [port-string] enable |
4 | Globally enable LFR on the physical chassis. | set bonding lfr enable |
5 | Globally enable the VSB system. | set bonding enable |
6 | Optionally configure the VSB system for High Availability firmware upgrades | See High Availability Firmware Upgrade. |
Refer to the S-, K-, and 7100 Series CLI Reference Guide for more information about each command.