Configuring VSB

This section provides a table of VSB default values and a procedure for configuring a VSB system. The following table lists VSB default values.

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Default VSB Parameters

Parameter Description Default Value
Chassis ID Identifies a VSB system chassis. None.
System ID Identifies a VSB system made up of two VSB chassis. None.
LFR priority Used to determine the physical chassis to be put in dormant state should all VSB interconnect links go down. 10 times the chassis ID.
LFR state Specifies whether LFR is globally enabled or disabled on the physical chassis. Disabled.
MAC address VSB system MAC address An internal MAC address associated with VSB chassis 1.
VSB state Specifies whether VSB is globally enabled or disabled on the physical chassis. Disabled.

The following procedure describes VSB configuration on the 7100-Series devices. All commands used to configure VSB can be entered in any command mode.

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Configuring VSB

Step Task Command(s)
1 On each chassis, configure each chassis‘ VSB chassis ID and the ID of the VSB system the two chassis belong to. Optionally:
  • Configure an encrypted secret used on the VSB links
  • Administratively change the LFR priority for the physical chassis
set bonding chassis chassis-id {system-id system-id | secret secret | lfr-priority priority}
2 Optionally change the VSB system MAC address from the default value. set bonding mac mac-address
3 Enable bonding on the:
  • 40GbE ports to be used as VSB interconnect ports.
  • 10GbE ports to be used as LFR monitor ports
set bonding port [port-string] enable
4 Globally enable LFR on the physical chassis. set bonding lfr enable
5 Globally enable the VSB system. set bonding enable
6 Optionally configure the VSB system for High Availability firmware upgrades See High Availability Firmware Upgrade.

Refer to the S-, K-, and 7100 Series CLI Reference Guide for more information about each command.