The MEP VLAN is the VLAN upon which the MEP transmits its PDUs. For the current CFM service implementation a MEP can only be associated with the single service VLAN, so there is no need to specify the MEP VLAN since it defaults to the service VLAN. If you do specify it, it must agree with the service VLAN. Use the vid command in MEP configuration mode to specify the MEP VLAN. VLANs can have a value from 0 - 4094. The MEP VLAN defaults to 0 (no VLAN).
This example sets VLAN 1000 as the configured VLAN for the myMA1 MEP 1000:
System(rw-config)->cfm md string-name myMD1 System(su-config-cfm-md.1)->ma string-name myMA1 System(su-config-cfm-ma.1)->mep 1000 System(su-config-cfm-mep.1000)->vid 1000 System(su-config-cfm-mep.1000)->enable System(su-config-cfm-mep.1000)->