Starts one-time, non-periodic ELRP packet transmission on the specified ports of the This command is available on the ExtremeSwitching X440-G2, X450-G2, X460-G2, X465, X590, X620, and X695 series switches. using the specified count and interval.
vlan_name | Specifies a VLAN name. |
all | Specifies all VLANs. |
ports | Specifies the set of VLAN ports for packet transmission. |
remote-endpoints | Specifies remote endpoints that are part of this VLAN. |
vxlan | Specifies VXLAN remote endpoints that are part of this VLAN. |
interval | Time interval between two successive ELRP PDUs. |
interval | Interval value between 1–64 seconds or 100–64,000 milliseconds. Default is 1 second. |
seconds | Specifies that time interval is in the unit of seconds. |
milliseconds | Specifies that time interval is in the unit of milliseconds. |
all | Specifies all ports of this VLAN for packet transmission. |
count | Specifies the number of times ELRP packets must be transmitted. The range is 1 to 255 times. The default is 3 times. |
log | Specifies that a message should be logged in the system log file when ELRP packets are received back indicating detection of network loop, or no packets are received within the specified duration. |
Specifies that a message should be printed to the console when ELRP packets are received back indicating detection of network loop, or no packets are received within the specified duration. | |
print-and-log | Specifies that a message should be logged in the system log file and printed to the console when ELRP packets are received back indicating detection of network loop, or no packets are received within the specified duration. |
Second—The interval between consecutive packet transmissions is 1 second.
Count—The number of time ELRP packets must be transmitted is 10.
This command starts one-time, non-periodic ELRP packet transmission on the specified ports of the VLAN using the specified count and interval. If any of these transmitted packets is returned, indicating loopback detection, the ELRP client can perform a configured action such as logging a message in the system log file or printing a log message to the console. There is no need to send a trap to the SNMP manager for non-periodic requests.
Use the configure elrp-client periodic command to configure periodic transmission of ELRP packets.
The ELRP client must be enabled globally in order for it to work on any VLANs. Use the enable elrp-client command to globally enable the ELRP client.
The ELRP client can be disabled globally so that none of the ELRP VLAN configurations take effect. Use the disable elrp-client command to globally disable the ELRP client.
The following example starts one-time, non-periodic ELRP packet transmission on all ports of the VLAN sales, uses the default interval and transmission times, and sends messages to the console:
configure elrp-client one-shot sales ports all interval 1 seconds retry 3 print
This command was first available in ExtremeXOS 11.1.
The ability to specify the time interval in milliseconds was introduced in ExtremeXOS 22.4.
VXLAN remote endpoint option added in ExtremeXOS 22.4.
The all option for VLANs was added in ExtremeXOS 30.1.
This command is available on ExtremeSwitching X435, X440-G2, X450-G2, X460-G2, X465, X590, X620, and X695 series switches.