cfm loopback

Transmits a loopback message to a specific Maintenance End Point (MEP) or Maintenance Intermediate Point (MIP) in a specified domain.


cfm loopback { domain name | ma ma-name | src-mep mep-id { target-mip HH:HH:HH:HH:HH:HH | target-mep mep-id }| number value | timeout time


domain name
Specifies the maintenance domain to be used for a loopback message. The name attribute is case sensitive.
ma ma-name
Specifies the maintenance association to be used for a loopback message. The ma-name attribute is case-sensitive.
src-mep mep-id
Specifies the Source ID. The range of valid values is from 1 through 8192.
target-mip HH:HH:HH:HH:HH:HH
Specifies the MAC address of the MIP loopback destination.
target-mep mep-id
Specifies the destination ID. The range of valid values is from 1 through 8192.
number value
Specifies the number of loopback messages to be sent.
timeout time
Specifies the timeout used to wait for loopback reply in seconds.


Privileged EXEC mode

Usage Guidelines

The cfm loopback command sends a loopback message to a specific MEP or MIP in a specified domain for testing purposes.


Command example sending a message from MEP 2 to MEP 1 a total of ten times.

device# cfm loopback domain md1 ma ma1 src-mep 2 target-mep 1 timeout 10 number 10

cfm: Sending 10 Loopback to 000c.dbfb.5378, timeout 10 msec
Type Control-c to abort
Reply from 000c.dbfb.5378: time=1ms
Reply from 000c.dbfb.5378: time<1ms
Reply from 000c.dbfb.5378: time<1ms
Reply from 000c.dbfb.5378: time<1ms
Reply from 000c.dbfb.5378: time<1ms
Reply from 000c.dbfb.5378: time<1ms
Reply from 000c.dbfb.5378: time<1ms
Reply from 000c.dbfb.5378: time<1ms
Reply from 000c.dbfb.5378: time<1ms
A total of 10 loopback replies received.
Success rate is 100 percent (10/10), round-trip min/avg/max=0/0/1 ms.