This command adds a new threshold change point to the autobw-threshold table. When the change point is already there, the threshold value updates to the new value.
There are no bandwidth ceiling entry.
The first parameter indicates that any rate above the maximum ceiling configured. The second parameter is the threshold in kbps. for those rates.MPLS global adjustment threshold configuration mode.
Review the updated global adjustment-threshold table after executing this command.
The max keyword sets the threshold for any traffic-rate above the maximum bandwidth-ceiling configured in the table.
The no function of the command remove the bandwidth ceiling entry from the table.
MPLS is supported only on devices based on the DNX chipset family. For a list of such devices, see "Supported Hardware".
The following example configures the bandwidth ceiling maximum threshold percentage to 10.
device>configure device(config)# router mpls device(config-router-mpls)# autobw-threshold-table device(config-router-mpls-autobw-threshold-table)# max threshold percentage 10