show ip arp suppression-statistics

Displays IPv4 ARP-suppression statistics.


show ip arp suppression-statistics
show ip arp suppression-statistics bridge-domain bridge-domain-id
show ip arp suppression-statistics vlan vlan-id


bridge-domain bridge-domain-id
Specifies one or more bridge domain IDs. To specify a range of IDs, insert a hyphen between the beginning and ending integers (for example, 5-16). To specify individual IDs and ranges of IDs, separate them with commas (for example: 1,5-7,55). Do not insert spaces after commas. You can enter a maximum of 253 characters.
vlan vlan-id
Specifies one or more VLAN IDs. To specify a range of IDs, insert a hyphen between the beginning and ending integers (for example, 5-16). To specify individual IDs and ranges of IDs, separate them with commas (for example: 1,5-7,55). Do not insert spaces after commas. You can enter a maximum of 253 characters.


Privileged EXEC mode


The show ip arp suppression-statistics command displays the following information:

Output field Description
Vlan/Bd Displays the VLAN (V) ID or bridge-domain (B) ID.
Forwarded Displays the number of packets forwarded.
Suppressed Displays the number of packets suppressed.
Remote-arp Proxy Displays the number of packets for which the device has sent proxy-ARP replies.


The following example displays the results of the basic form of this command.

device# show ip arp suppression-statistics
Vlan/Bd       Forwarded     Suppressed    Remote-arp Proxy
110 (V)       0             24            0
254 (V)       3             10            0