show cfm

Displays the current configuration and status of CFM.


show cfm [ brief | connectivity ]


Displays the CFM brief output.
connectivity session-id
Dixplays the CFM connectivity configuration


Privileged EXEC mode


The show cfm command displays the following information:

Output field Description


The Domain is the network or the part of the network for which faults in connectivity are displayed.


The level is the domain level in the range <0-7>.

Maintenance Association

The maintenance association name.

MAID Format

MAID format setting

CCM interval

The time interval between two successive Continuity Check messages (CCMs) that are sent by MEPs in the specified Maintenance Domain.

VLAN ID/ Bridge-Domain ID

The VLAN or Bridge-domain identifier of the maintenance association.


The priority of the CCM messages, sent by 'MEPs, in the range <0-7>.


The maintenance end point ID


Displays the direction the MEP was sent:

Up - The MEP direction away from the monitored VLAN.

Down - The MEP direction is towards the monitored VLAN.


Displays the associated MAC address.


Displays the associated port.


Displays the associated MIP.


Typical command output displaying the CFM settings for domain MD1.

device# show cfm
Domain: md1 
Index: 1  
Level: 7  
  Maintenance association: ma5 
  MA Index: 5 
  CCM interval: 100 ms
  Bridge-Domain ID: 50 
  Priority: 7 
  MAID Format: Short 
  MEP   Direction  MAC              PORT       VLAN         INNER-VLAN   PORT-STATUS-TLV 
  ====  =========  =========        ====       ====         ===========  =============== 
  1     UP         609c.9f5f.700d   Eth 1/9    50           --           N               

Typical command output displaying the connectivity information.

device# show cfm connectivity 
Domain: md1 
Index: 1 
Level: 7 
  Maintenance association: ma5 
  MA Index: 5 
  CCM interval: 100 ms 
  Bridge-Domain ID: 50 
  Priority: 7 
  MAID Format: Short 
    MEP Id: 1 
    MEP Port: Eth 1/9 
      RMEP  MAC             VLAN/PEER         INNER-VLAN    PORT      STATE    
      ====  ===             =========         ==========    ====      =====    
      2     609c.9f5e.4809           --            --       OK            


Typical command output displaying the brief output.

device# show cfm brief 
Domain: md1 
Index: 1  
Level: 7  Num of MA: 1
  Maintenance association: ma5 
  MA Index: 5 
  CCM interval: 100 ms
  Bridge-Domain ID: 50 
  Priority: 7 
  MAID Format: Short 
  Num of MEP: 1  Num of RMEP: 1
  rmepfail: 0 rmepok: 1