Displaying CLI commands and command syntax

You can display commands and syntax information in any mode and from any point in the command hierarchy.

Enter a question mark (?) in any command mode to display the list of commands available in that mode.

device# ?
Possible completions:
  alias              Creat/Update Alias
  beacon             Enable/Disable beacon
  cd                 Change working directory
  certutil           Security Certificate Management Operations
  cipherset          Configure FIPS-compliant secure ciphers for RADIUS/LDAP
  clear              Clear parameter
  clock              set switch date, time, and timezone
  cluster            Cluster
  configure          Manipulate software configuration information
  copy               RAS copy operation
  crypto             Crypto Certificate Management Operations
  debug              Debugging Options
  delete             delete a file
  devtools           Enable/disable development tools
  df                 show filesystem disk space usage
  dhcp               Commands to manage DHCP auto-deployment
  (output truncated)

To display a list of commands that start with the same characters, type the characters followed by a question mark (? ).

device# e?
Possible completions:
  event-handler    Event Handler Commands
  execute-script   Run user-level BASH scripts
  exit             Exit the management session

To display the keywords and arguments associated with a command, enter the keyword followed by a space a then a question mark (?).

device# terminal ?
Possible completions:
 length    Sets Terminal Length for this session
 monitor   Enables terminal monitoring for this session
 no        Sets Terminal Length for this session to default :24.
 timeout   Sets the interval that the EXEC command interpreter wait for user input.

If the question mark (?) is typed within an incomplete keyword, but the keyword matches several keywords, the CLI displays help for all the matching keywords.

device# show d?
Possible completions:
  debug      Display the udld debug configuration
  defaults   Display default configuration
  dot1x      Show dot1x

The CLI accepts abbreviations for commands. This example is the abbreviation for the show qos interface all command.

device# sh q i a

If the device does not recognize a command after you press Enter, an error message displays.

device# hookup
syntax error: unknown argument.

If you enter an incomplete command, an error message displays.

device# show
syntax error: unknown argument.