show running-config ipv6 access-list

Displays a list of IPv6 ACLs defined on the switch, including the rules they contain.


show running-config ipv6 access-list [ { standard | extended } [ ACL_name ] ]


Specifies the standard ACL type.
Specifies the extended ACL type.
Specifies the ACL name.


Privileged EXEC mode

Usage Guidelines

This command is supported only on the local switch.

Not specifying standard or extended displays a list of all IPv6 ACLs defined on the switch.

If you specify standard or extended, you can also specify an ACL.

To display details of all IPv6 ACLs bound to interfaces, use the show access-list ipv6 command.


The following example displays all standard IPv6 ACLs defined on the switch:
device# show running-config ipv6 access-list standard
ipv6 access-list standard distList
 seq 10 deny 2001:125:132:35::/64
 seq 20 deny 2001:54:131::/64
 seq 30 deny 2001:5409:2004::/64
 seq 40 permit any
ipv6 access-list standard ipv6_acl_std_1
 seq 10 deny 2001:2001::/64 count log