show ipv6 neighbor

Displays the IPv6 neighbor discovery (ND) entries.


show ipv6 neighbor
show ipv6 neighbor { dynamic | static } [ summary ] [ vrf vrf-name ]
show ipv6 neighbor ethernet slot / port [ vrf vrf-name ]
show ipv6 neighbor { ipv6-address | ve vlan_id | summary } [ vrf vrf-name ]
show ipv6 neighbor vrf vrf-name


Restricts the display to the entries for the specified IPv6 address. Specify this parameter in hexadecimal using 16-bit values between colons as documented in RFC 2373.
ethernet slot/port
Restricts the display to the entries for the specified Ethernet interface.
Displays the static IPv6 neighbors.
Displays the dynamic IPv6 neighbors .
Displays the summary of IPv6 neighbors.
ve ve-num
Restricts the display to the entries for the specified VE interface. The range is from 1 to 4096.
vrf vrf-name
Displays the IPv6 neighbor information for the specified Virtual Routing/Forwarding (VRF) instance.


Privileged EXEC mode


The show ipv6 neighbor command displays the following information:

Output field Description
Address Displays the IP address.
Mac-address Displays the MAC address or "UnResolved".
L3 Interface Displays the physical or VE interface.
L2 Interface Displays the Layer 2 interface. Supported values:
  • (Physical interface): "Eth slot / port"
  • (Port-channel): "Po"
  • (VxLAN): "Tu"
  • "PW": VPLS Pseudo-wire
  • "UnResolved"
Age In hh:mm:ss format, displays the time since the most recent renewal of a dynamic entry. For a static entry, displays "Never".
Type Displays the neighbor discovery (ND) type. Supported values:
  • "Dynamic"
  • "BGP-EVPN": Entries learned through the BGP-EVPN control plane
  • "BGP-Sticky": Entries learned through the BGP-EVPN control plane—with the "sticky" attribute (static or MY-IP at the originator).
  • "LeakNd": A neighbor entry leaked from another VRF.
  • "PreNd": ND triggered by other than the data traffic, for example, by the static route.
  • "Static"


The following example illustrates the output of the show ipv6 neighbor command without keywords.

device# show ipv6 neighbor
Entries in VRF default-vrf : 37
Address    Mac-address     L3 Interface L2 Interface        Age       Type
1:4:67::4  609c.9fde.0f15  Ve 1467      Tu 61441 (  00:00:00  LeakNd
1:5:67::5  609c.9fde.1215  Ve 1567      Tu 61442 (  Never     Bgp-Sticky
2:7::2     609c.9fde.0015  Ve 2703      Po 27               Never     Dynamic
3:7::2     609c.9fde.0d1c  Eth 0/2      Eth 0/2             Never     Dynamic
37::10     0010.9400.0002  Ve 37        Eth 0/42.37         Never     Dynamic
37::100    0000.0001.0002  Ve 37        UnResolved          Never     Static
37::101    UnResolved      Ve 37        UnResolved          Never     PreNd

The following example displays the output of the show ipv6 neighbor summary option.

device# show ipv6 neighbor summary
Static Entries         : 1
Dynamic Entries        : 5
Leaked Entries         : 2
Pre-arp Entries        : 1
Evpn Entries           : 0
Evpn Sticky Entries    : 28
Total Entries          : 37