
Manages Dynamic Ports on Demand (POD) assignments.


dpod slot/port { reserve | release }


Specifies a slot number.
Specifies a port number.
Reserves a POD assignment for a port that is currently not able to come online but is expected to be viable in the future. A port license assignment that is reserved will be associated with the first port set that has a vacancy.
Removes a port from the port set to which it is currently assigned.


Global configuration mode

Usage Guidelines

A port POD assignment can only be released if the port is currently offline. Enter shutdown to take the port offline.

Do not release a port unless you plan to disconnect the optical link or disable the port persistently. If the link (server or optical) is left in a state where the port could be brought online, the Dynamic POD mechanism will detect this unassigned port and attempt to reassign it to a port set.


The following example reserves a POD assignment.

device# configure terminal
device(config)# dpod 8/15 reserve
device(config-dpod-8/15)# exit

The following example removes a port from a POD port set.

device# configure terminal
device(config)# dpod 8/15 release
device(config-dpod-8/15)# exit