show bgp evpn neighbors

Displays configuration information for BGP EVPN neighbors of the device.


show bgp evpn neighbors [ ip-addr | ipv6-addr | routes-summary ]


Specifies the IPv4 address of a neighbor.
Specifies the IPv6 address of a neighbor.
Displays routes received, routes accepted, number of routes advertised by peer, and so on.


Privileged EXEC mode

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to view configuration information and statistics for BGP EVPN neighbors of the device. Output shows all configured parameters for the neighbors.


The following example shows sample output from the show bgp evpn neighbors command.
device# show bgp evpn neighbors
Total number of BGP Neighbors: 1
    '+': Data in InQueue '>': Data in OutQueue '-': Clearing
    '*': Update Policy 'c': Group change 'p': Group change Pending
    'r': Restarting 's': Stale '^': Up before Restart '<': EOR waiting

1   IP Address:, AS: 100 (IBGP), RouterID:, VRF: default-vrf
    State: ESTABLISHED, Time: 0h0m13s, KeepAliveTime: 60, HoldTime: 180
       KeepAliveTimer Expire in 38 seconds, HoldTimer Expire in 171 seconds
    Minimal Route Advertisement Interval: 0 seconds
       RefreshCapability: Received
       GracefulRestartCapability: Sent
           Restart Time 120 sec, Restart bit 0
           afi/safi 25/70, Forwarding bit 0
    Address Family : L2VPN EVPN
       SendExtendedCommunity: yes
    Messages:    Open        Update      KeepAlive   Notification   Refresh-Req
       Sent    : 7           9           5           0              0
       Received: 2           5           5           1              0
    Last Update Time: NLRI              Withdraw                NLRI                Withdraw
                  Tx: 0h0m12s           ---                 Rx: 0h0m12s             ---
    Last Connection Reset Reason:Rcv Notification
    Notification Sent:     Unspecified
    Notification Received: Cease/Administrative Reset
    Neighbor NLRI Negotiation:
      Peer Negotiated IPV4  unicast  capability
      Peer Negotiated L2VPN EVPN address family
      Peer configured for IPV4 unicast  Routes
      Peer configured for L2VPN EVPN address family
    Neighbor ipv6 MPLS Label Capability Negotiation:
    Neighbor AS4 Capability Negotiation:
    Outbound Policy Group:
       ID: 2, Use Count: 1
       Byte Sent:   804, Received: 607
       Local host:, Local  Port: 8015
       Remote host:, Remote Port: 179
    Maintenance Mode : Disabled
    G-Shut: Disabled