license add

Adds a license key to a switch.


license add { licstr licenseString | FTP-URL ftpPath | SCP-URL scpPath } [ slot slot-number ]

Command Default

This command is executed on the local switch.


licstr licenseString
Specifies the license string to be added to the switch. The license string must be enclosed in double quotation marks. A maximum of 256 characters is allowed.
FTP-URL ftpPath
Specifies a URL from which to transfer license information using FTP. ftp://username:password@hostname filepath
SCP-URL scpPath
Specifies a URL from which to transfer license information using SCP. scp://username:password@hostname/ filepath
slot slot-number
Specifies the LC slot number where the license key is added. The slot zero refers to the chassis license. The non-zero slot number refer to the physical slot number on the LC, as displayed in the output of the show slot command.


Privileged EXEC mode

Usage Guidelines

Depending on the feature being added, you may need to disable and re-enable the affected ports for this command to take effect. Follow the instructions in the command output.

If you install a license on an unsupported platform, the operation succeeds, but the show license output indicates that the license is not supported.


To add a license on slot 1:

device# license add SCP-URL scp://fvt:pray4green@"pray4green/20141113164801170PORT_UPGRADE.xml slot 1

License Added [*B OXw:jFQ0IZc,t1D12:fZVuQByBOJMeqIoPhjpHK9gJLrcLzYIbEXVmDCd8N4nRyTfdxoGQI93gRS9ylO:cf00If68JA1flHZzMQs4:eiIlC,VbOpx4E6UG8YeXWcaVIBSTVv#] Successfully - For license change to take effect, it may be necessary to enable ports...