clear bgp evpn routes

Clears routes from the BGP EVPN route table and resets the routes.


clear bgp evpn routes
clear bgp evpn routes type arp ip address mac mac address ethernet-tag tag-id
clear bgp evpn routes type ipv4-prefix ip address/mask
clear bgp evpn routes type ipv6-prefix ipv6 address/mask
clear bgp evpn routes type mac mac addressethernet-tag tag-id
clear bgp evpn routes type nd IPv6 address mac mac address ethernet-tag tag-id
clear bgp evpn routes type [ igmp-join-sync| igmp-leave-sync]


Specifies address-resolution protocol (ARP) routes.
ip address
Specifies an IP address.
mac mac address
Specifies Media Access Control (MAC) routes and a MAC address. The valid format is HHHH.HHHH.HHHH.
ethernet-tag tag-id
Specifies an Ethenet tag. Valid values range from 1 through 4294967295.
Specifies IPv4 prefix routes.
IPv4 address/mask
Specifies an IPv4 address and mask.
Specifies IPv6 prefix routes.
IPv6 address/mask
Specifies an IPv6 address and mask.
Specifies MAC routes.
Specifies neighbor-discovery (ND) routes.
Specifies Join Sync routes.
Specifies Leave Sync routes.


Privileged EXEC mode


This example clears all routes from the BGP EVPN route table.

device# clear bgp evpn routes

This example clears all ARP routes from the BGP EVPN route table.

device# clear bgp evpn routes type arp

This example clears a specified MAC route from the BGP EVPN route table.

device# clear bgp evpn routes type mac 000.abba.baba ethernet-tag 0

This example clears all Leave Sync routes from the BGP EVPN route table.

device# clear bgp evpn routes type igmp-leave-sync