action event-stream

Activates the event-stream action within the event-stream configuration mode.


action event-stream
no action event-stream

Command Default

The action is not active.


Event-stream configuration mode.

Usage Guidelines

Use the no action event-stream command to halt the event stream action.

If an action does not exist in the database, a new action is created validated. If the event-stream is already activated on the device, then adding or updating an event action also takes immediate effect.


Example for activating the event stream.

device# configure terminal
device(config)# telemetry profile event-stream profile1
device(config-event-stream-profile1)# action event-stream

Example for deactivating the event stream.

device# configure terminal
device(config)# telemetry profile event-stream profile1
device(config-event-stream-profile1)# no action event-stream