clear ipv6 mld groups

Removes the accumulated information about learned groups for a specified bridge domain, VLAN, MCT (Multi-Chassis Trunking) cluster, or CCEP (Cluster Client Edge Port) client.


clear ipv6 mld groups [ipv6 address [bridge-domain bd id |interface [ethernet | port-channel] interface name | vlan vlan id |cluster cluster id |client client id]


ipv6 address
Specifies the address for which to clear group information
Specifies the bridge domain for which to clear group information.
bd id
Specifies the ID of the bridge domain.
Specifies the interface for which to clear group information.
ethernet interface name
Specifies the Ethernet name.
port channel interface name
Specifies the port channel name.
Specifies the VLAN for which to clear group information.
vlan id
Specifies the ID of the VLAN.
Specifies the MCT cluster for which to clear group information.
cluster id
Specifies the ID of the cluster.
Specifies the CCEP client for which to clear group information.
client id
Specifies the ID of the client.


Privileged EXEC mode


The following example shows the syntax for clearing the MLD groups for IPv6-specific addresses.

device# clear ipv6 mld groups ff28::1 bridge-domain 10
device# clear ipv6 mld groups ff38::2 vlan 100

The following example shows the syntax for clearing the MLD groups for a VLAN and a bridge domain.

device# clear ipv6 mld groups bridge-domain 10
device# clear ipv6 mld groups vlan 10