
Configures a virtual IPv4 address or IPv6 address for the virtual router.


virtual-ip { ipv4-address | ipv6-address }
no virtual-ip { ipv4-address | ipv6-address }


Virtual IPv4 address of the virtual router.
Virtual IPv6 address of the virtual router.


Virtual-router-group configuration mode

Usage Guidelines

The virtual IPv4 address or IPv6 address is the IP address that an end-host sets as its default gateway. The virtual IP address must belong to the same subnet as the underlying interface. A maximum of 16 virtual IP addresses can be configured for VRRP; only one virtual IP address can be configured for VRRP-E. The session is enabled as soon as the first virtual IP address is configured.

You can perform this command for VRRP or VRRP-E. VRRPv3 introduced the ability to use an IPv6 address when an IPv6 VRRPv3 group is configured.

This command accepts both fe80/10 link local addresses or fe80/64 addresses as virtual-IP.

Enter the no virtual-ip command with a specified virtual IP address to delete the specified virtual IP address


To assign a virtual IP address of to the VRRP virtual group 1:

device(config)# protocol vrrp
device(config)# interface ethernet 1/6
device(conf-if-eth-1/6)# vrrp-group 1
device(config-vrrp-group-1)# virtual-ip

To assign a virtual IP address of to the VRRP-E virtual group 1:

device(config)# protocol vrrp
device(config)# interface ve 20
device(config-ve-20)# vrrp-group-extended 1
device(config-vrrp-extended-group-1)# virtual-ip

To assign a virtual IPv6 address of 2001:2019:8192::1 to the VRRP-Ev3 virtual group 19:

device(config)# ipv6 protocol vrrp-extended
device(config)# interface ve 2019
device(config-ve-2019)# ipv6 address 2001:2019:8192::122/64
device(config-ve-2019)# ipv6 vrrp-extended-group 19
device(config-vrrp-extended-group-19)# virtual-ip 2001:2019:8192::1