cfm linktrace

Transmits a linktrace message to a Maintenance End Point (MEP) in the domain


cfm linktrace { domain name | ma ma-name | src-mep mep-id { target-mip HH:HH:HH:HH:HH:HH | target-mep mep-id }| timeout time | ttl ttl-value


domain name
Specifies the maintenance domain to be used for a linktrace message. The name attribute is case-sensitive.
ma ma-name
Specifies the maintenance association to be used for a linktrace message. The ma-name attribute is case-sensitive.
src-mep mep-id
Specifies the Source ID. The range of valid values is from 1 through 8192.
target-mip HH:HH:HH:HH:HH:HH
Specifies the MAC address of the MIP linktrace destination.
target-mep mep-id
Specifies the destination ID. The range of valid values is from 1 through 8192.
ttl ttl-value
specifies the initial TTL field value. The range of valid values is from 1 through 64.
timeout time
Specifies the timeout used to wait for linktrace reply in seconds.


Privileged EXEC mode .

Usage Guidelines

The cfm linktrace command sends a trace message to a specified MEP in the domain to diagnose the path of the MEP link.


The following example transmits a successful trace from MEP 21 to MEP 1.

device# cfm linktrace domain md1 ma ma1 src-mep 21 target-mep 1 timeout 10

Linktrace to 000c.dbfb.5378 on Domain md1, level 4: timeout 10ms, 4 hops
Hops 		   MAC 		Ingress 	Ingress Action 	Relay Action
Forwarded 		Egress 	Egress Action 	Nexthop
1 		000c.dbe2.6ea0 						RLY_FDB
Forwarded 		5/4 		EgrOK
2 		000c.dbfb.5378 	7/2 		IgrOK 		RLY_HIT
Not Forwarded
Destination 000c.dbfb.5378 reached