show mvrp attributes

Displays the VLAN information and MVRP FSM states for each VLAN including the port state for all or specific MVRP-enabled Ethernet or port-channel interfaces.


show mvrp attributes [ interface {ethernet slot/port | port-channel number } ] [ vlan ID ]


Displays the MVRP information for a specific MVRP-enabled interface.
ethernet slot/port
Specifies an Ethernet interface.
port-channel number
Specifies the port-channel interface.
vlan ID
Specifies the VLAN ID.


Privileged EXEC mode

Usage Guidelines

MVRP is supported only on devices based on the DNX chipset family. For a list of such devices, see "Supported Hardware".

The show mvrp attributes command without any options displays the VLAN information and MVRP FSM states for each VLAN for all MVRP-enabled Ethernet and port-channel interfaces.


The show mvrp attributes command displays the following information:

Output field Description
Port/Port-Channel MVRP Ethernet or port-channel interface
State State of the port: Forwarding, Disabled, or Blocking
Registrar State
  • IN—Registered
  • LV—Leave-all
  • MT—Empty
Registrar Mgmt
  • Normal—Dynamically added
  • Fixed—Statically added
  • Forbidden—Forbidden VLAN
Applicant State Applicant record for each attribute; whether it has been actively making a declaration, or has been passive.


The following example displays MVRP attributes for all interfaces.

device# show mvrp attributes
Port : eth0/17   State : Disabled
VLAN       Registrar            Registrar            Applicant               
           State                Mgmt                 State                   
Port : eth0/5    State : Forwarding
VLAN       Registrar            Registrar            Applicant               
           State                Mgmt                 State                   
1          In                   Fixed                Quiet Active            
5          Empty                Normal               Quiet Active            
10         In                   Fixed                Quiet Active            
Port : po10      State : Forwarding
VLAN       Registrar            Registrar            Applicant               
           State                Mgmt                 State                   
1          In                   Fixed                Quiet Active            
5          In                   Normal               Very Anxious Observer   
10         Empty                Normal               Quiet Active   

The following example displays MVRP attributes for a specified VLAN.

device# show mvrp attributes vlan 10          
PORT            VLAN       Registrar            Registrar            Applicant         
                           State                Mgmt                 State               
eth0/5          10         In                   Fixed                Quiet Active          
po10            10         Empty                Normal               Quiet Active