
Specifies whether the action runs only if all of the triggers occur or if one is sufficient, for an implementation of an event-handler profile when multiple triggers are defined for an event-handler action.


trigger-function { OR | AND time-window seconds }
no trigger-function

Command Default

The event-handler action runs if any of the triggers occur.


The event-handler action runs if any of the triggers occur.
The event-handler action runs only if all of the triggers occur.
time-window seconds
In seconds, specify the time window within which all of the triggers must occur in order that the event-handler action runs.
Following an initial triggering of an event-handler action, any subsequent trigger launches the action an additional time if the following conditions are true:
  • The trigger-mode parameter is set to the default each-instance.
  • The subsequent trigger occurs within the specified time-window.


Event-handler activation mode

Usage Guidelines

The no form of this command sets the trigger-function setting to the default OR option.


The following example determines that the event-handler action runs only if all of the triggers occur within 120 seconds.

device# configure terminal
device(config)# event-handler activate eventHandler1
device(config-activate-eventHandler1)# trigger-function AND time-window 120

The following example resets trigger-function to the default OR option.

device# configure terminal
device(config)# event-handler activate eventHandler1
device(config-activate-eventHandler1)# no trigger-function