show interface status

Displays the status of all device interfaces.


show interface status


Privileged EXEC mode


The show interface status command displays the following information:

Output field Description
Port Displays the physical port or port channel.
Status Displays the port status. The states are "adminDown", "notconnected", "connected (up)", or "sfpAbsent".
Mode Displays "access" or "trunk".
Speed Displays the speed of the Ethernet interface, in Gb.
Type Displays 1G-SFP, 10G-SFP-LR, 10G-SFP-SR, 10G-SFP-SX, 40G-QSFP, or 100G.
Description Displays a Description defined for the port.


The following example displays the status of all device interfaces.

device# show interface status
Port         Status          Mode       Speed    Type            Description
Eth 1/1      adminDown       --         --       --                                  
Eth 1/2      adminDown       --         --       --                                  
Eth 1/3      adminDown       --         --       --                                  
Eth 1/15     notconnected    --         --       40G-QSFP                       -
Eth 3/4      connected (up)  --         10G      10G-SFP-SR                          