show ip bgp neighbors

Displays configuration information and statistics for BGP4 neighbors.


show ip bgp neighbors [ ip-addr ]
show ip bgp neighbors last-packet-with-error [ vrf vrf-name ]
show ip bgp neighbors routes-summary [ vrf vrf-name ]
show ip bgp neighbors vrf vrf-name


Specifies the IPv4 address of a neighbor.
Displays the last packet with an error.
Displays routes received, routes accepted, number of routes advertised by peer, and so on.
vrf vrf-name
Specifies a VRF instance.


Privileged EXEC mode

Usage Guidelines

Output shows all configured parameters for the neighbors. Only the parameters whose values differ from the default values are shown.

Dynamic neighbors are displayed only by using the show ip bgp neighbors commands with no options.


device# show ip bgp neighbors 

Total number of BGP Neighbors: 2

1   IP Address:, AS: 333 (EBGP), RouterID:, VRF: default-vrf
    State: ESTABLISHED, Time: 0h1m32s, KeepAliveTime: 60, HoldTime: 180
       KeepAliveTimer Expire in 17 seconds, HoldTimer Expire in 147 seconds
    Minimal Route Advertisement Interval: 0 seconds
       PeerGroup: lldp-grp
         Auto discovered LLDP neighbor
       MD5 Password: $MlVzZCFAbg==
       RefreshCapability: Received
    Messages:    Open    Update  KeepAlive Notification Refresh-Req
       Sent    : 2       15      3339      1            0          
       Received: 2       0       3356      0            0          
    Last Update Time: NLRI              Withdraw                NLRI                Withdraw
                  Tx: 0h1m32s           ---                 Rx: ---                 ---        
    Last Connection Reset Reason:User Reset Peer Session
    Notification Sent:     Cease/Administrative Reset
    Notification Received: Unspecified
    Neighbor NLRI Negotiation:
      Peer configured for IPV4 unicast  Routes
    Neighbor AS4 Capability Negotiation:
    Outbound Policy Group:
       ID: 2, Use Count: 2
       Byte Sent:   146, Received: 0
       Local host:, Local  Port: 44575
       Remote host:, Remote Port: 179
       Enabled: yes, g-shut timer: 600 seconds, Route-map: none
       g-shut timer Expire in 200 seconds
       local-preference 0 gshut community 1200

2   IP Address:, AS: 111 (EBGP), RouterID:, VRF: default-vrf
    State: ESTABLISHED, Time: 0h1m33s, KeepAliveTime: 30, HoldTime: 90
       KeepAliveTimer Expire in 12 seconds, HoldTimer Expire in 86 seconds
    Minimal Route Advertisement Interval: 0 seconds
       RefreshCapability: Received
    Messages:    Open    Update  KeepAlive Notification Refresh-Req
       Sent    : 8       0       553       5            0          
       Received: 8       9       498       0            0          
    Last Update Time: NLRI              Withdraw                NLRI                Withdraw
                  Tx: ---               ---                 Rx: 0h1m33s             ---        
    Last Connection Reset Reason:User Reset Peer Session
    Notification Sent:     Cease/Administrative Reset
    Notification Received: Unspecified
    Neighbor NLRI Negotiation:
      Peer configured for IPV4 unicast  Routes
    Neighbor AS4 Capability Negotiation:
    Outbound Policy Group:
       ID: 2, Use Count: 2
       Byte Sent:   121, Received: 0
       Local host:, Local  Port: 53791
       Remote host:, Remote Port: 179
       Enabled: yes, g-shut timer: 600 seconds, Route-map: none
       g-shut timer Expire in 200 seconds
       local-preference 0 gshut community 1200

The following example shows sample output about dynamically created BGP neighbors.

device# show ip bgp neighbors 

1   IP Address:, AS: 100 (IBGP), RouterID:, VRF: default-vrf
    State: ESTABLISHED, Time: 1h56m21s, KeepAliveTime: 60, HoldTime: 180
       KeepAliveTimer Expire in 40 seconds, HoldTimer Expire in 157 seconds
    Minimal Route Advertisement Interval: 0 seconds
       PeerGroup: pg1
       DYNAMIC neighbor belongs to the subnet range group:
       RefreshCapability: Received
    Address Family : L2VPN EVPN
       SendExtendedCommunity: yes
    Messages:    Open    Update  KeepAlive Notification Refresh-Req
       Sent    : 4       18      178       3            0          
       Received: 4       42      177       0            0          
    Last Update Time: NLRI              Withdraw                NLRI                Withdraw
                  Tx: 1h56m21s          ---                 Rx: 1h56m20s            ---        
    Last Connection Reset Reason:User Reset Peer Session
    Notification Sent:     Cease/Administrative Reset
    Notification Received: Unspecified
    Neighbor NLRI Negotiation:
      Peer Negotiated L2VPN EVPN address family
      Peer configured for IPV4 unicast  Routes
      Peer configured for L2VPN EVPN address family
    Neighbor ipv6 MPLS Label Capability Negotiation:
    Neighbor AS4 Capability Negotiation:
    Outbound Policy Group:
       ID: 2, Use Count: 3
       Last update time was 4667 sec ago
       Byte Sent:   2968, Received: 0
       Local host:, Local  Port: 8231
       Remote host:, Remote Port: 179