storm-control ingress (global)

Limits ingress traffic globally on all device Ethernet interfaces.


storm-control ingress { broadcast | unknown-unicast | multicast } limit-bps rate
no storm-control ingress { broadcast | unknown-unicast | multicast }


Specifies that the command operates on broadcast traffic only.
Specifies that the command operates on unknown-unicast traffic only.
Specifies that the command operates on multicast traffic only.
limit-bps rate
Specifies that the value given to the rate parameter is in bits per second. If the traffic on the interface reaches this rate, no more traffic (for the traffic type specified) is allowed on the interface. For the rate, enter an integer from 0 to 10000000000. Because each application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) may support different bit granularity, bit rates are rounded up to the next achievable rate.


Global configuration mode

Usage Guidelines

This command limits the amount of broadcast, unknown unicast, and multicast (BUM) ingress traffic globally on all device interfaces when configured in global configuration mode.

If you want to modify an active BUM storm control configuration, you must first disable it, then issue the storm-control ingress command again with the new parameters.

Enter no storm-control ingress to disable BUM storm control for a particular traffic type on the interface.


The following example configures storm control on all Ethernet interfaces on the device with a rate limited to 1000000 bps.

device(config)# storm-control ingress broadcast 1000000