neighbor peer-group-name alternate-as-range

Adds a neighbor from an autonomous system (AS) to the IPv4 multiprotocol BGP neighbor table of the local router.


neighbor peer-group-name alternate-as-range {add | remove as-range } [as-range ]
no neighbor peer-group-name alternate-as-range

Command Default

By default, AS neighbors are not added to the BGP neighbor table


add | remove
Specifies whether to add or remove the indicated AS number or range.
Specifies the AS number or range of AS numbers to add to the BGP neighbor table. Separate multiple entries with a comma. Separate contiguous ranges with a hyphen. For example: 100, 200-300.


BGP configuration mode

Usage Guidelines

Use the no form of the command to reset the default functionality.


This example adds an AS number and a range of AS numbers.

device# configure terminal
device(cofig)# neighbor peer-group-name alternate-as-range add 100,200-300

This example removes an AS number.

device# configure terminal
device(cofig)# neighbor peer-group-name alternate-as-range remove 100

This example resets the default functionality.

device# configure terminal
device(cofig)# no neighbor peer-group-name alternate-as-range