
Maps a VLAN to a Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP) instance. You can group a set of VLANs to an instance.


instance instance_id [ vlan vlan_id | priority priority_id ]
no instance

Command Default

The priority value is 32768.


Specifies the MSTP instance. Valid values range from 1 through 31.
vlan vlan_id
Specifies the VLAN to map an MSTP instance. Refer to the Usage Guidelines.
priority priority_id
Specifies the priority for the specified instance. Valid values range from 0 through 61440. The priority values can be set only in increments of 4096.


Spanning tree MSTP configuration mode

Usage Guidelines

The following rules apply:

Enter no instance to remove the VLAN mapping from the MSTP instance.



This command can be used only after the VLAN is defined.


To map a VLAN to an MTSP instance:

device# configure terminal
device(config)# protocol spanning-tree mstp
device(conf-mstp)# instance 1 vlan 2,3 
device(conf-mstp)# instance 2 vlan 4-6 
device(conf-mstp)# instance 1 priority 4096