show dot1x

Displays 802.1X-related information.


show dot1x [ all ]
show dot1x [ interface ethernet slot/port]
show dot1x [ diagnostics | session-info | statistics ] { interface ethernet slot/port }


Displays detailed dot1x information for all of the ports.
Displays the state of a specified interface.
Displays diagnostics information for the authenticator associated with a port.
Displays all statistical information of an established session.
Displays the statistics of a specified interface.


Privileged EXEC mode


The following example shows the overall state of 802.1X authentication on the system.
device# show dot1x
802.1X Port-Based Authentication: Enabled
PAE Capability:                   Authenticator Only
Protocol Version:                 2
Auth Server:                      RADIUS
Readiness test timeout:           10 
RADIUS Configuration
Position:                 1
Server Address: 
Port:                     1812
Secret:                   xxxxxxxxx
Retry Interval:           5 seconds
The following example shows detailed 802.1X authentication information for all of the ports.
device# show dot1x all
802.1X Port-Based Authentication: Enabled
PAE Capability:                   Authenticator Only
Protocol Version:                 2
Auth Server:                      RADIUS
Readiness test timeout:           10

RADIUS Configuration
Position:                 1
Server Address: 
Port:                     1812
Secret:                   testing123
Retry Interval:           4 seconds

Position:                 2
Server Address: 
Port:                     1812
Secret:                   testing123
Retry Interval:           4 seconds

802.1X info for interface Eth 1/31
Port Control:             Auto
Protocol Version:         2
ReAuthentication:         Enabled
Auth Fail Max Attempts:   0
ReAuth Max:               2
Tx Period:                30 seconds
Quiet Period:             60 seconds
Supplicant Timeout:       30 seconds
Re-Auth Interval:         3600 seconds
Dynamic VLAN assigned:    50
Filter-strict-security:   Enabled
IP ACL assigned (IN|OUT): IPEXT-50 | IPEXT-OUT-50
MAC ACL assigned:         mac-ext
The following example shows all diagnostics information for the authenticator associated with a port.
device# show dot1x diagnostics interface ethernet 1/2
802.1X Diagnostics for interface Eth 1/2
authEnterConnecting:                1
authEaplogoffWhileConnecting:       0
authEnterAuthenticating:            1
authSuccessWhileAuthenticating:     1
authTimeoutWhileAuthenticating:     0
authFailWhileAuthenticating:        0
authEapstartWhileAuthenticating:    0
authEaplogoffWhileAuthenticating:   0
authReauthsWhileAuthenticated:      0
authEapstartWhileAuthenticated:     0
authEaplogoffWhileAuthenticated:    0
BackendResponses:                   11
BackendAccessChallenges:            10
BackendOtherrequestToSupplicant:    11
BackendAuthSuccess:                 1
BackendAuthFails:                   0
The following example shows state of a specified interface.
device# show dot1x interface ethernet 1/31
802.1X info for interface Eth 1/31
Port Control:             Auto
Protocol Version:         2
ReAuthentication:         Enabled
Auth Fail Max Attempts:   0
ReAuth Max:               2
Tx Period:                30 seconds
Quiet Period:             60 seconds
Supplicant Timeout:       30 seconds
Re-Auth Interval:         3600 seconds
Dynamic VLAN assigned:    50
Filter-strict-security:   Enabled
IP ACL assigned (IN|OUT): IPEXT-50 | IPEXT-OUT-50
MAC ACL assigned:         mac-ext
The following example shows information for all clients on the port.
device# show dot1x session-info interface ethernet 1/2
802.1X Session info for interface Eth 1/2
Mac Address: 0021.5ec6.15ce
User Name:                md5user2
Session Time:             2 secs 
Terminate Cause:          Not terminated yet
Session Status:           Authorized
PAE State:                Authenticated
BE State:                 Idle
VLAN:                     N/A
IP ACL (IN | OUT):        N/A | N/A
MAC ACL:                  N/A
Current Id:               18
Id From Server:           17
The following example shows the statistics of a specified interface.
device# show dot1x statistics interface ethernet 1/2
802.1X statistics for interface Eth 1/2
EAPOL Frames Rx:                    12
EAPOL Frames Tx:                    43
EAPOL Start Frames Rx:              1
EAPOL Logoff Frames Rx:             0
EAP Rsp/Id Frames Rx:               1
EAP Response Frames Rx:             10
EAP Req/Id Frames Tx:               23
EAP Request Frames Tx:              10
Invalid EAPOL Frames Rx:            0
EAPOL Length Error Frames Rx:       0
EAPOL Last Frame Version Rx:        1
Invalid EAP Frames Rx:              0
EAP Length Error Frames Rx:         0
EAPOL Last Frame Src:               0021.5ec6.15ce